Thursday, September 23, 2004

Weekend Assignment

Weekend Assignment #25: Share a favorite story that features you and a sibling.

Hmmm.... Let's see. What could I write about? Well, I do have two siblings. I could write about my brother or my baby sister. Which would make a better story? Which HAS a story? I'm gonna go think and I'll get back to you in a few.

{a few minutes later} Well, I'm still havin' trouble remembering a story! Perhaps I'll write about the time my cousin hit me in the head (on my mind b/c of John's story). Oh, I got a story about my baby sister! Not a very good one, mind you, but a story nonetheless. For those that aren't satisfied with it, I'll include the one about my cousin.

My half-sister, Samantha (aka Sami), lives with our mom. I didn't see her until she was two weeks old. When I did, I was holding her for the first time and trying to decide what I should call her (ya no how certain people call you certain things? that's what I wanted to do with her) and she started to cry. So, I give her back to Mom and I'm still thinking. *lightbulb* "I think I'll call her Pixie." Well, this little girl (TWO weeks old, mind you) shot me a dirty look! Fast-forward to today: I still call her Pixie! Perhaps in spite of that or perhaps because of it. One day, she'll ask me why I call her Pixie & I'll have this great story to tell her! If my digital camera would hook up to the computer, I'd put a pic or 2 of me & her on here. That'll b on of the first pics I put up when I figure it out.

Not satisfied? Here's the one about my cousin.

We were having a garage sale at my gramma's old house and there was a carnival that night. Gramma promised to take us if we behaved. Jeff (my cousin) misbehaved and his mom (my aunt Donna) refused to let him go. He got mad at went around back & was chucking sticks at the tree, breaking them. I didn't know what was going on so I want back to see what was wrong. He threw a stick about as thick as a quarter is wide at the tree. It cracked and hit my right temple. I screamed (as nine-year old girls do when something hits them) and ran inside. My cousin was in deep trouble and I got to sit there with a rag on the welt he gave me. He didn't go to the carnival but, I had a great time. :)

Well, I gots stuff to do (like Thankful Thursday). TTYL.

Love to all my J-land buddies!


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