Saturday, October 23, 2004

To those here from MadmanADHD's journal: Isn't he great? My week has probably just been made. Thank you very much. *beaming*

Secondly, <A href="<center><img%20src=" fun911.jpg? http:>
" target=_top>


The creator of this quiz must be a total freak. I did not have fun that day. I didn't enjoy one bit of it. Didn't cry for a year over it but, didn't have fun. (Lots was going on. Mom had moved out less than a month before and I had just begun middle school. Other crap, too.) If you care to take the quiz, here's a link. Well, I'd better get to bed soon. (It's 11:12pm!) G'night.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

A very intersting quiz, will have to check it out. Thanks. As if THAT day wasn't horrible enough, exactly a month later, within an hour of when the second tower went down my mom died. Kinda spooky to me. Hope your computer can be fixed. Toodles.

Anonymous said...

How could someone have any fun on that day?  I was sick for 3 months!  Weird...
MM is wonderful!  Came to check out your journal.  Nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

*Madman is great, there's a good mind there....take advantage of it :)*  Woodrow Wilson said, 'I not only use all the brains I have but all that I can borrow.', it's good advice.

9/11 certainly wasn't fun, I remember that day like my parent's remembered JFK's assasination.  My day may not have completely stopped but a small part of me did, i will never be the same.