Sunday, January 2, 2005

noise that bugs me!!!!!

ARRRRRGH! Ya know the sound of a fork scraping someone's teeth? It bugs the heck out of me! My brother does it with every bite. EWWWWWWWWWW! Sorry, had to write that & Lindz isn't online to bug with my random thoughts.


Anonymous said...

LOL I hate that sound, I have a friend that will chew on tin foil EWWWWWW that's a nasty sound/thought!!
~ Promise

Anonymous said...

It's your Brothers job to 'bug the heck out of you'!!  
They take some kind of oath to bug their Sisters, am sure of it ;o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Awww aint he just as cute as a bugs ear! What a darlyn bro you have. **Evil laugh** Be glad you don't have a chalkboard in yoour house so he could run his fingernails along the length of it. Makes me shiver just thinking bout it.