Monday, February 28, 2005

From Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! I started off a pain in the butt because it was early and I stayed up too late and my stuff disappeared. I got ready and decided to take the whole I’m-single-but-I-don’t-care-that-it’s-Valentine’s-Day-and-I-can-still-look-good-for-myself approach. Which translates to my kick butt boots, awesome jeans, and black cami. Woohoo! I got to school in a better mood and that soon improved more. Just walking down the hallway in these shoes helps. Then I ran into Beena and chatted with her for a second. Sayid (Sara) is amazing. She asked, “You’re single, right?” Duh. “Here. This is for you.” A chocolate-peanut butter heart. On the back was a sticker that said, “Here’s to being single”. Yay! Hug Sayid and rush to locker. Got to class and there was a crush can for me from Lindsay. LOL I totally forgot to buy her one. I’d left my money at home.


I didn't finish this entry. I hardly remember what happened the rest of that day. Thus I won't be blogging about it.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

For most of my adolescence and into my 20's Valentine's Day was the pits!!! I HATED it. It's a lonely cruel day for those who are single and wishing to be otherwise (that was me). Seeing others exchanging gifts and wnating to be romantic but having nothing but my fantasies was not all that satisfying. But then I found my love and life turned around in so many ways. So things will change. Sounds like you had some buds to help perk up your spirits.

Hope you had an awesome birthday!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good Valentine's Day hon, I've had many single Valentine's Days, my Dad used to always send me a disguised card though :o)  
Do we get to see a pic of the 'kick butt boots'??
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Yea! for good friends :)  glad you had a good Valentines Day, and I"m with Sara..I wanna see those kick butt boots ;)

Anonymous said...

your a dork vickey!, but yeah even thou you didnt give me a crush can i thought it was really cute that you sent me a text message right away in first period! at the same time i was thinking hmmm wonder if vickey has gotten it yet... lol
~the one and only Lindz~