Friday, June 3, 2005


Thank God for Road Runner. That's all I got to say. It lets me spend more than an hour online catching up. Just wanted to say "hi" and I love and miss you all. I'm sorry that I'm not commenting but, it takes more time to read and comment than to read. So, I am reading and I'm on the entries from May 22 now. Not TOO far behind but far enough so I still have nearly 300 e-mails! Y'all need to quit writing! Kay, before I go crash and eat some Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk ice cream (sounds yummy), pictures of my kitten! This little one choose me. I had no choice. But I love him (we think it's a him) and I swear if our souls are reincarnated, this cat is Smokey's next life. The first time I spent time with kitty (no name yet), I cried thinking of Smokey. I missed her and I just wanted her and I wanted a sign that she was alright. I was petting the kitten and he was purring and he fell asleep on my hand. This cat is definitly the one for me. I don't believe it IS Smokey, but this cat is definitly sent by Smokey to help me get through this time of my life. She helped me through a lot of stuff and now, it's this kitten's turn. Smokey sent this kitten to me. And now that I'm crying, good night. Don't worry about me tonight though. I'll be okay. I'm sleeping at my grandmother's (BG) and though Tiger'll sleep on the waterbed, I can probably rope Chyna into sleeping with me on the couch. Allegra time!

Love always,

P.S. Aren't I the luckiest girl in the world to have such a cute kitten pick me? I still love my Chya and my Tiger and my Smokey and my Dutchess and all the other animals I've ever had but this kitten is sooooooooo cute!

P.P.S. More entries soon, I promise! And more catch-up tomorrow!

P.P.P.S. It's pointless for me to fill in the mood thing. It rarely describes my mood throughout the entire entry and rarely describes any part of my mood in that entry. Humph. Plus, I typically let you know in my writing. Crying=sad, giggling=happy, etc. Kay? Kay. I love you all!!!!!!!! (Why am I so mushy today? I blame Chris!!!!) (LOL) (Explaination tomorrow)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwwww!  your kitty is so cute!  i love orange and white..or gray and white cats, they're so cute and they seem so much softer than other kitties.  and that last photo looks like a portrait from a studio!