Thursday, November 17, 2005


Anyone who moves to another server please leave me your address. I'll let you know soon what I'm doing so please check back here. I'm thinking about using that back-up xanga as my normal journal but, I'm not sure so I won't say it definitly. I will, however, be working more diligently on saving my entries there. I would hate to loose the sense of community here, even if we all choose different servers. Please don't lose that community. We are not bonded by our server but by our relationships. Please leave your new URLs in the comments section or e-mail me. I don't want to lose you as friends.


Okay, I have a new journal. It's an AIM blog and I don't know if I'm going to keep it but for the moment, here's the link. It's under a different screen name, so you know. I will be keeping this blog until otherwise noted but will/may write in that one until I figure out how mad I am about the banners.

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