Sunday, October 24, 2004

Advice/Jerky father

Feeling: Surprised
Hearing: WBEE (country)

I'd like to thank all of you who gave advice on my latest situation. Apparently, dear friend Lindz was kidding around! Scared the crap outta me. I talked to her this morning but I don't know how much sense I made. It actually is quite hard to write this without using her name (which I have now been given permission to use). Well, I'm being hit by Lindz. Sleeping at her house tonight and tomorrow so I'll prolly be able to update today and tomorrow. I'm also planning on going to the public library and taking advantage of the free internet services. Time for now to unpack, repack, shower, and fix my nails.

Love always,


Hearing: WBEE
Feeling: Angry

Anybody else noticing a pattern here? I'm mad at my dad. He's a jerk and I wish he would butt out of my life. I now have to report my life to him. Who I'm calling or im-ing. Roar. He keeps coming in my room without permission. The only reason I still live here is because I don't want to start over. If I moved in with my mom, I"d lose my friends and the schools aren't as good down there. The only way I'm getting to college is scholarships. I need good grades and to stay in music. Best music program is right here. I've gotta go unpack and repack. Arrivederci. BTW: Chamomile tea helps tons. Also, one week ago was the marker thing. Today was the only time since then that I've wanted to do that again. I almost threw out my razor so I wouldn't. Instead, drank tea. I'm going back to see Dr. McCann. That's it for now.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Phew!!!  So your friend was kidding?  Naughty Lindz ;o)
I was brought up by my Dad too, and he did drive me crazy, most of the time.  Now though - am old old woman in my 30's - we have a good relationship.  Can see I'm going to have to read a bit further back in your journal, get to know you a bit better.  
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Ok... ok I missed something here... you are a musician? What instrument do you play? PLease tell us more about this intriguing aspect of your life? I would kill ... beg... plead for just one iota of musical talent. All I can do is play the CD player and even that argues with me sometime. As always you continue to amaze and surprise. Multitalented indeed.

So dear ol Lindz was kidding hu (hmmm..... gotta trust people right?)... so all is well between you two? Gotta keep working on that trust thing with dad. He's gotta give you enough room to prove he can trust you, and you have to give him enough info to make him comfy that his darling little girl (I KNOW you aint so little anymore but HE doesn't) is OK. Would he like it if you barged in on him when he's with his girl? Course not. But he needs to know you're not starting a black market for angus beef out of your bedroom (just a goofy example).

Well hang in there. Try not to kill him, he may come in handy sometime. Have a most excellent school week. I may have to take a break from this online life for a week or two ... my other life is impeding. You take care mylady... (purty please?) Toodles.