Friday, October 8, 2004

At the party- Murph, you're in here

I'm at Jake's party writing this. I feel sort of uncomfortable. They've got vodka and are inhaling incense. The mosquitoes love me. Don't think Dad will have a problem with the no dating rule. Earlier, Jake put his arm around my waist. It rose higher and higher. It made me very uncomfortable. I just meet him. I feel like I hardly know him yet, I've talked to him for weeks. This is coming from the fourteen year old die-hard romantic that hasn't even held hands with a guy, okay? He read me Shakespeare's 18th sonnet (Madman, you were right. Highly predictable...)

Random guy sitting next to me wants to be in my blog. Murph is his name. Rob was strip-dancing on Murph's car. Eww! Sara(h) rocks. They're anglining to get cigarettes. Timmay and Kiate are standing next to me. Kris is here too. My hands are freezing. I still have homework to do. Lindz's mom'll be here soon.

"Someday I'll fly away/Leave all this to yesterday."

Well, me is tired. Love y'all. Especially my future husband, whoever he is, where ever he is.

XO Vickey XO


Hey y'all. I couldn't watch the debate any longer. Too tired. Anyhow, this is a night where I'm going to long to be one of Nicholas Spark's characters, I can tell. They're intriguing, sexy, confindent, and so many other things that I long to be (some of which I am). Most of all, they're in love and they're womyn. *sigh* Good night. ~Vickey~


Anonymous said...

*does dance of jay at his inclusion in this blog*


I coulda sworn you had more written on that paper you were holding, than appeared here.. Sorry about making ya feel uncomfortable w/ the vodka (we did restrain from drinking anything untill all the girls were gone.). Also, i don't undertand the point of inhaleing incense..

Yes, Rob on my car was disturbing. But he didn't really strip did her? *shudders at the though*.

I realise i have absolutly nothing of pertenance to write here.

UmmMMmMMmmmm..... *shrugs*

*Sneaks up on Vickie... quietly...*


*Runs AWAY*

Anonymous said...

Yes, Murph. I had written more on my paper. Some of it I felt uncomfortable including in a public journal. It's in my written journal. Parts of it were meant to go just in there and other parts were meant to go in here but, I changed my mind. I apologize to all those that would have loved to read those thoughts. The vodka didn't really make me uncomfortable. It was other things (partially including what happened when the garage door went down...) The point in inhaling incense it beyond me also. Thank goodness, Rob kept his clothes on. He told me to put it in here like that so, I figured why not? I have no problem with "nothing of pertenance" being put in here. Most of my entries are nothing of pertenance. Thanks for the hug. *hugs back* Well, thanks for reading. (Yes, I did put what is basically an entry in the comments section. I did so because it was just a response from a comment. I'm also sending this straight to Murph's e-mail so I guarentee he reads it.)
Arrivederci all.