Monday, October 4, 2004

Saturday Six (on a Monday!)

1. Which of the following do you trust more:  a politician, a televangelist, a lawyer, a reporter, or a doctor?

2. What's the last song you liked enough thatyou actually took the time to look up the lyrics?

3. Which deceased relative would you most like to spend one more afternoon with?

4. What is your preferred brand for:  a) toothpaste, b) soap, c) shampoo, d) laundry detergent
5. What is your favorite poem?

Tara:  How did your parents select your first name? Were you named after a particular friend/relative/fictional character or did they just like the name?


Yes, it is Monday and yes, this is the SATURDAY Six. Oppsie! Well, on with my late *grins sheepishly* answers...

1) A doctor

2) Gosh, I can't recall. I think it was "Somebody's Someone" by Lonestar.

3) I really don't remember any deceased relatives so how about a deceased pet? Dallas, my Gramma's old dog

4) a) Whatever whitens my teeth the bestest (any hints?)
b) Dial-the orange stuff b/c it makes the mosquitoes not like me!
c) Currently experimenting but, I like Lindz's. Pantene Pro-V shampoo & conditioner (it's a 2-in-1), I think.
d) I don't buy it.... Dad does that...

5) Romantic that I am, I swoon if a guy reads Shakespeare's eightteenth sonnet. *sigh*

6) My first name? Umm... I think they just liked (and agreed upon) the name (Victoria) but, my middle name is for my maternal grandmother (Elizabeth). (Not for either queen!)

That's all for now. Arrivederci.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHAT?!? You don't trust a politician or lawyer more than a doctor? A bit tough to even put the words trust and politician in the same sentence any more. As far as my response to #4 it'd have to be whatever is on sale... oh yeah gotta love those bargains.  OK so some days my hair doesn't have that special sheen and shine some shampoos have. Heck guys should just be happy they have hair. Yeah oh yeah Shakespeare does have a way with words. Both your first and middle name sound very British and proper at that. You may not have been named after a queen but I bet you like to be treated like royalty ... at least sometimes. Gotta go. Oh by the way GOOD LUCK!  Toodles.