Saturday, October 23, 2004

What the hell?

Feeling: shocked as hell. Let's get that out there first. It's not a choice but, it needs to be said. Secondly, WHAT THE F***?! Now, y'all know I'm a straight ally, right? I'm not a homophobe in the slightest. Well, my dear friend has just shocked the hell out of me. Please, pardon my language. I'm just seriously shocked and don't know how to form a sentence without using an explicit. I should mention that this journal is probably R. Just because of my language. Definitly PG-13, at the least. Well, I'll change that later. My dearest friend, whose name I shall not mention, is apparently in love with me. Dear friend is female. As am I. I'm a straight ally. This is a girl whom I absolutely love but not in that way! Now, I don't know if she's just trying to scare me or not because of her away message: vickey.. i know i surprise people alot.. well i have desided that im a confuessing person!! hehe, and im sorry!!!
Now is that "hehe, i'm kidding" or "hehe i'm embarrassed" or something else that I can't interpret? Oh my gosh! I'm still just absolutely shocked. Maybe a night of sleep will help. What do I tell her? What the heck do I say? How do I let her know that I'm straight, no doubt about it and that those feelings are going nowhere fast? She's my bestest friend but not my romantic interest. For one thing, great though she is, she's a she. I seriously don't know. I'm shaking, did I mention that? I'm shaking and I'm dizzy. Thanks, girl. What the hell do I say? Thanks for listening. Advice is very much appreciated. Another thing to thank her for: I'm hyperventilating! Oh my goodness. Well, I'm gonna go get a paper bag to breath into.

Love always,
The seriously shocked and confused hyperventilator


Anonymous said...

Just tell her up front that you are not interested.  Honesty is the best policy.-Krissy

Anonymous said...

Tell her like it is. This is a time of extreme confusion for many adolescents. Continue to be her friend, care for her like a dear friend, but insure her that you're straight, not interested in her as a lover (don't shiver it's really a compliment) but you want to be friend.

Anonymous said...

Hi, am new reader :o)
It must have taken a bundle of courage for your friend to admit this to you.  Shocking though it may be.  Honesty is the best policy, I think.  You should definately tell her you have no interest in her that way, but still want to be good buddies.  It may be strange for a while, but stick with it, if she's a good friend.
Excuse my giving advice on my first visit!!!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, same thing has happened to me.  What I told my friend is something along this lines, "I am flattered that you find me attractive and nice enough to date, but I am totally straight.  I have no desire to date a woman.  I hope we can still be very good friends."  No discussion is needed and she probably won't want one.  I ended it at that.  It was never brought up again.  She was bisexual and has dated women and men after that.  The awkwardness will slip away quickly if you both have a good history.  Good luck, hon.

Anonymous said...

I would tell your friend that you value her friendship, but that you have clear boundaries and that any sexual comments or advances would make you uncomfortable and most likely end your friendship. It's OK for your friend to have the feelings that she does as long as she does not try to act on them with you.  I think honesty is the best policy. Also, young teenagers sometimes experiment with different kinds of identities and feelings; it does not mean that she is going to turn out to be an out-and-out lesbian.  Even heterosexual adult women have been known to have fleeting thoughts about sex with someone of the same gender.  It's pretty normal to be a little confused at that age. The best thing you can do for her, as a friend, is to 1) express your feelings to her and 2) don't gossip about her to the other girls at school, as this might ruin your friend's reputation.

Good luck to you.