I think that I'm actually getting sick. Everyone who came back from the Joshua Revolution was sick. I've been hanging out with them and been exposed to it. So I think I'm catching it. Sneezing, watery eyes, most likely a fever, and other stuff. I was reading old entries in B's journal (btw: sorry that I don't link every time I mention a journal. If it's not linked, there's a link in the sidebar. If it's a new journal, I'll link it to the name.) and she mentions being sick. Whaddya know, my nose starts running. I just hope I'm better for youth group Wednesday night. I've convinced Ali to come. Dad's picking her up and dropping her off. Yay for Dad! I think I'm going to the nurse for the first time this year today. Now, where is it?
I'm feeling much better now aside from the headache and the ever present butterflies in my stomach. Oh, well. A Tylenol I wrangle from Sara will fix the headache and I'm becoming immune to the butterflies.
Love always,
P.S. It's now Thursday and I feel fine physically.
Glad you feel better, hope you haven't caught what they all have :o)
Sara x
Eek, it's an internet virus...k, duh Bernadette...shush. ;) I hope you get to feeling better soon, drink some OJ!
Yea! on convincing Ali to go to group and bonus points for Dad chauffering ;)
*don't know what to take for butterflies in the stomach ;)
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