Monday, January 3, 2005

Idiots & the internet

So before I get to all the old entries (as in the ones from 12/29 until earlier today), I thought I'd (finally) write this up. I got my first fake AOL e-mail a while ago. I talked to TechLiveJack and he told me (before I filled in my information) that it was fake. *Phew* Then some idiot (SicilianPimp) IMed me and wrote something about did I want to lick a certain body part and included the measurment. I recall the exact words but feel that it might offend some. It sure offended me. A few days before I left for Mom's someone IMed me (mooncricket something or other) and called me quite a few names that are completely false including slut and whore. Now some idiot from my school has been IMing me and I've been p***ing him off by being sweet & coy. "how are you?" I'm fine, and you? "Shut the f*** up. how are you?" You just asked me that. Do you mean 'who am i'?  So basically I pissed him off. And he just IMed me again. He wanted to have an "AOL talk session". I declined. In those I can't notify AOL if he becomes an idiot and offends me again. So, idiots & the internet. Great combonation, eh?

Love always,


Anonymous said... very sad. This is very agrivating. You should not be harrassed just cause you want to use the internet. Very cool the way you reacted to the idiot from school, must have really torqued him off. Can't you just block him or something? Then report the incident? sounds like that's whatcha did hu?

How'd the English homework turn out? Hmmm... thought so.

Anonymous said...

The internet is full of crazyies (I'm crazy but not one of those ;)  I hate the IMs of "what are you wearing?"  What is that gonna do for them... I always say "umm a tank top and sweat pants" then I wait a second then say "Ya know some people think I'm nutz for wearing swearpants on my head, what do you thin?"  They hardly ever respond.  :)
~ Promise

Anonymous said...

I was shocked by some of the IM's I got when I first got my computer - only a few months ago.  Figured out how to stop them though, you can alter your preferences so that only people on your buddy list can IM you, has at last stopped all those silly ringtone IM's too :o)
Always best to check if you're not sure an email is from AOL.  Good for you hon.  
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Gotta love those random IM's!  Some girl that calls herself Megan REALLY wants me to check out her pictures, gotta love the internet!  It never ends doll ;)  Great thing that 'report SPIM button' is, I use it all the time!
