Sunday, January 2, 2005

Last entry of the day. Happy New Year!

Seriously must go do English homework since it's due tomorrow. Shame on me. But this isn't in my inbox & if I don't do it now, I'll forget. So, the Sunday Brunch & then homework.

1) What are your New Year's resolutions for 2005? See this.
2) Did you make resolutions last year and did you keep them? I don't think I did make any. Strange for me.
3) What did you do this year on New Year's Eve to celebrate, if anything? I was at my mom's. Entry on that later.
4) Is there any one thing that you hope happens by next New Year's Day? I hope that at midnight on New Year's Eve when it turns to 2006 I have a midnight kiss from someone other than the dog & cat. Note to self: stop it. You don't need a guy to be complete. You are not that girl.
5) Describe your most memorable New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. Not many details to it. Spent it at my aunt Lori's the year my parents split with my bestest friends (at the time), Jon and Jaci. It was great. I'm pretty sure that Jaci & I did make-up & girly stuff.

Now, seriously, AOL is going off as is my new cell phone (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) so that my English homework can get done. Oh, and by the way, Ray & Mom rock! Look for a billion entries tomorrow.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Am hoping that by next New Years Eve I will have lost so much weight my hubby will have to tie me to my chair to stop me floating away!!!  Sounds like you had a good time at your Mum's, looking forward to reading all about it :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going well at Ray and Moms! Yeah! My only resolution is to get that dang PhD dissertation done...Done... DONE. Pray for me my friend I'll need some serious support to get THAT one done.  

Good luck on any resolutions you set... keep em simple... like finishing a dissertation (yeah right!). Wishing you all the best mylady!

Anonymous said...

PS.... How about resolving to get that English homework done!! Ewww..... I always disliked English.