Sunday, January 30, 2005

Musical review...

I'm currently listening to Something Corporate's rendition of High and Dry. This song belongs to Jamie Cullum in my mind. They're decent but it's more of a rock beat and his voice is quite soft at points. The instruments are louder and clearer than he who is breathy. Hmmm.... I guess Jamie's just stolen my heart away. But I still like Mr. Bass Guitarist..... *giggle*

They followed this with Jamie singing But For Now! Oh the irony! Trying to acess files on a floppy disk but stupid redone computer isn't letting me. AAAHHHH!!! Whatever. I'll see if I can copy the programs at Lindz's. All will work in the end.

Love always,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe, I've got jamie in the car, in the computer and in the bathroom upstairs!!!  I'm addicted ;)...and I love his version of High & Dry!
Take it easy doll!