Thursday, January 20, 2005

My two cents

I feel like I have to say this. Lindz is my best friend. She's a great person. She's funny and kind. She's supportive. She always knows when to tell me what I want to hear and when to tell me what I need to hear. Sometimes there's a difference and sometimes there's not. She knows when to make me talk, when I'll talk without her prodding, when to let me just be quiet. She'll tease me until just before I get fed up. Others don't have that knowledge. They'll push me until I break and then not know why I'm yelling. Lindz knows me better than I know myself sometimes. She can, and has, told me how I feel about a guy. She knows how much I like Tom, agrees when I say that my heart is in major trouble, knows how hurt I'll be if we decide to go for it and it doesn't work out. She's told me that I like someone and I deny it but two weeks later, I'll admit that she was right. She's my best friend in the truest sense. We not only finish each other's sentences but we can share them. Like when we were describing the tuba-ruba to my dad. SHe has made some bad decisions but that doesn't mean she's a bad person or that I shouldn't hang out with her. The first is untrue and the second is not only untrue but a great way to make me incredibly mad. So don't judge her or blame her. Don't tell me I shouldn't be friends with "someone like that" because you don't know her. Maybe I've portrayed her badly. Because I need to write the bad stuff, to sort it out, but often I feel like if I share the good stuff it'll take some of the joy away. Like our "childhood memories on TV" or us just shooting the breeze. I can't adequately portray how great those times are. Or even when we have serious talks, like Sunday night. Lindz is my best friend. She's got a piece of my heart. Forever. If you don't like that, it was nice knowing you.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Boy, did I miss something?!...I hope Lindz is okay.  Lindz is a good friend, she may not always be good to herself, she may not have always made the right choice, but that doesn't mean she's a bad person.  You know that I've emailed with her and the biggest thing is that she hurts.  You're a great friend to stand by her and stand up for her, she deserves more people in her life like you.  If it weren't for some of my friends that stood by me and kept pointing the good out to me, I don't know if I'd have gotten as far as I did.  I'm glad Lindz has a friend in you.  Now I've gotta go call my best friend so we can finish each others sentences ;)  I love how you bring up those memories for me ;)
Take care and tell Lindz hi!

Anonymous said...

I must have missed something too.
I read back some of the comments, but couldn't see anything bad about Lindz, maybe you deleted it.  Why would someone say you shouldn't hang our with her?  True friendship is a wonderful thing, and so hard to find.  Of course you should hang out with her, and support her, and be there when she needs you, just as she does for you.  That would be like someone criticising my hubby, who is my best friend.  I would be so hurt if anyone did that.  I like that you said she has a piece of your heart forever :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

hey everyone this is the one and only...... *drum roll please* LiNdZ i dont know really waht you guys mean by "did i miss something?" but my sweet Vickey has written about times where i have cut myself.. i think and when we have been like totaly PMSing and we would get in fights and also fights when we werent PMSing *gotta love that PMS junk* and just other times where i talk before i think or i act before i think... and Vickey found out that i felt as if everyone thoughti was a bad person by going into my e-mail account *she has the password* and well one thing lead to another and she read an e-mail i wrote to B, cuz i was ranting on about that factor... so yeah, ill stop wasting your time everyone *be warned i just might write a random entry* pc out LiNdZ