Saturday, January 29, 2005

Photo scavenger hunt!!!!!

Yay! It may be Saturday but the Photo Scavengar Hunt ain't due until eight PM. So I'm still running on time. Now that all my stuff is saved and backed up, I'm all set to work on this. I  am currently uploading my resized photos. I've caught up on MOST journal entries. If I haven't commented, I probably did read but lacked the time to comment at that time. Sorry! It's about 1:30 and I'm still sitting here in my PJ's with my (awful) retainer in. I guess I'll go take it out. Don't have to wear it tonight since I've worn it for 2 waking hours today, if not more. hehe ^_^ Okay enough babble.


V is for Visage.... (I was half asleep at camp)

I is for ice cream.

C is for Cristen (one of my youth leaders).

T is for Tom.

O is for... hmmm might help if I upload ALL the pics I need!

O is for Oh no! I can't find my photos! Crap!

O is for Okay! Phew! Found 'em..... now, to continue....

O is for Oh, yeah! Which is symbolized by my cowboy hat cuz that's what I say.....

R is for Reese's peanut butter cups...

I is for Icicle.....

A is for angels....


E is for Enough mardi gras beads?

L is for lamp....

I is for "Image"... I was running out of ideas. There are a lot of "I"s in my name.... sorry about the blurriness....

Z is for zipper... on my favorite jeans!

A is for apple.

B is for button down shirt....

E is for Eye. As in Lindz's eye....

T is for teacup, my favorite one... I think I've been reading Sara's journal too much....

H is for Honey.


And there is Victoria Elizabeth spelled out in pictures. And some extra pictures that I took because I lost track....

R is for Rachel.

T is for timepieces.


So there is my first ever on time photo scavenger hunt. I have a much greater respect for those of you who do this regularly. It's tough than I thought!

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Nice photo's Vickey!!
I like your Tea cup ;o)
And we have the same mobile phones by the looks of it!!
I still haven't done my name, my camera batteries are charging though, so should be soon!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Good job,  what a long name to have to work with :)

Anonymous said...

Wicked cool!!!!!
Those pics are great ;)  
I didn't get ahold of the camera to do mine..may still have to do it much to do, so little time (with the camera!)

Anonymous said...

You really have worked hard. It's great.