Saturday, January 8, 2005

Saturday Six (is it still Saturday?)

This week's Saturday Six from Patrick's Place (link in the sidebar) is reader's choice questions. Enjoy...

1. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #38:  If you could live in a foreign country (or city) for one year, which would you choose and why? Mmmm... only one? So many to choose from. England, Australia, France, Italy, Spain, most European countries actually. A number of cities as well. San Fransisco, NYC, Raleigh, Austin, Myrtle Beach, Orlando. The Caribean, Bahamas, Virgin Islands. So many places. I love the accents of most of them (give me a guy that can speak to me in one of the romance languages and I melt). Others are just beautiful or have some aspect of life that I admire. Such as hospitality or that artsy vibe.

2. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #39:  Did you have a security blanket, stuffed animal or toy that you were attached to as a child?  Do you still have it? Many. I had so many. I had Blankie, a soft, silk-ish blanket that I tore in two pieces one night (my parents were fighting & I thought they were going to divorce so I ripped it in two. One for each house.). I had that doll that I wrote an entry about (see entry before this), Megan. I had Mariah, another doll. I had Teddy. Teddy was a soft, brown teddy bear who was my mom's when she was little. I once wrote a story from Teddy's point of view. I had so many. Once upon a time, I had Luna (said Lun, as in lunar, yah, long a), a pound puppy, Teddy, Green Rainbow Pup (who I got at an amusement park cuz I thought he was the only one and I didn't want him to be lonely), and three others. I have all of them somewhere.

3. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #40:  Favorite alcoholic beverage? Must you people mock me? I'M FOURTEEN! A lot of people ask this question and it just makes me feel young. It's not because I'm dying to drink. Even when I turn 21, I don't intend on drinking all the time. I'll get into that issue another time.

4. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #41:  What was your favorite cartoon as a child? I honestly don't remember ever really liking cartoons. I used to like Pepper Ann, Doug, Rugrats, and a few others.

5. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #42:  Is there a chore you enjoy doing? Ummm... doing laundry & dishes isn't that bad but I don't enjoy it. I do like to organize my crap. But "you can't organize clutter. You can only get rid of it," as the FLYlady says.

6. READER'SCHOICE QUESTION #43:  A time machine will let you travel 10 years into either the past or the future.  Which would you choose and why? 10 years ago I'd be nearly five years old. 10 years from now I'd be nearly 25. 1995 or 2015? Ummm... I don't know. There are benefits to each. If I go back to 1995, I'd get to see if how I remember things is really how it was. If I go forward to 2015, I could see how it is that I wind up. Well, not wind up but if I did go to college, if I'm married, if I've got kids. I don't know if that knowledge would be good though. Because I would see who my husband/fiancee was (if I'm married/engaged) and then it may effect the choices I make today. I don't believe that the future is determined. I think that there are many different pathes in life and each choice we make changes our path. But yet I also believe that God knows where we each are going to go, what we're going to do. So I don't know. I haven't the slightest idea of what I believe on ths issue of destiny or whether I'd go into the future or the past. I don't know.

I don't think I've thought this much about a Saturday Six before. Wow. Okay. Hope you enjoyed this. Tomorrow morning, I have church. So I should wrap this up and head to bed. Only 10 hours til I have to wake up and get ready. lol

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Ooh I know what you mean about accents, in that case I would have to go live in Ireland for a year, 'cause that accent just melts me!!  Of course hubby would have to come too, so there wouldn't really be much point ;o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

This week was a thought provoking Sat. Six. wasn't it?!  

I like your answers...I had to go do mine before I read yours....habits, I don't wanna know what anyone else said before I do my answers :)

Drinking isn't all that glamorous, I've over drank before....Now I know that a few drinks is all, no need to get's not worth it.  
