Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Sunday Brunch

"I can think of nothing more boring for the American people than to
have to sit in their living rooms for a whole half hour looking at my
face on their television screens." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

1) What sitcom have you seen every episode of? None of 'em.
2) What sitcom makes you laugh until you cry? Different episodes of different shows.
3) What sitcom do you wish had not been cancelled? Friends and Sex and the City
4) What sitcom do you wish they WOULD cancel? LOST just to see the look on Sayid and Jack's faces.... LOL not really cuz "it's the best bloody peanut butter I've ever had". I don't know.
5) Who is your favorite sitcom character, either past or present? Ummmm Rachel/Pheobe from Friends, Piper/Prue/Pheobe from Charmed, and prolly about a million other things people. They're just very intriguing characters. Each have different things I admire about them.

Time to go pack up my stuff for Lindz's. Expect more later.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

I loved charmed!  They have it on four times a day  here (re runs, not the same one though :)  and some days I watch it all day.
Just one of those things I'm hooked on

Anonymous said...

The English sit coms I could mention, you may not have heard of, so I'll keep it to US ones :o)
1 - Friends.
2 - Friends.
3 - Friends.
4 - Not a clue, there are so many, and I watch so few!  I don't even know which ones are good and which ones bad!!  I used to love Cheers, wish that was still around.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

I love that quote..that's funny :)
Let's see...
1.  ER
2.  Family Guy is the only one that comes to mind
3.  SEX & THE CITY!!!!!!!  nooooooooooo
4.  I don't know, I only watch shows I like.
and 5.  Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Green on ER, his last episode was just incredible.  I still love that line...'in all you do, be generous'.
Have a time with Lindz!!