Midterm #1 in a few hours. I feel ick but what's new? I told Dad I need an appointment with my doctor so I can see if I am bipolar. he didn't respond so I tol dhim not to just brush it off, I need a doctor's appointment. He said "Consider it brused." If I am bipolar, it's not just "Oh well. Deal." It's more like "Okay, now what do we do to treat it?" Everybody thinks it's just stress or PMS or hormones but I don't think so. honestly, these are the people that were more than happy to say I was depressed two years ago but no, I can't be bipolar. "I don't notice extreme highs and lows in you." Are you in my body? Do you feel what I do? Then don't say I'm not! My father said he'd put me on the pill if I want so my PMS/mood swings aren't as bad. So I can go on the pill when I'm TWELVE(!) and I can see an OB/GYN but I can't be bipolar and I can't see my doctor? What the heck? Y'all know more about bipolar (esp. how it feels) than they do. They have the wrong facts. Maybe I'm not bipolar. But I need my doctor ot ocnfirm or deny it. Good night. I'm not bring paper to the test so I'll write more tomorrow.
Love always,
You are right in the fact that only your doctor can diagnose whether you have - or are - bipolar. If it's something you're really worried about, your Dad should take it seriously. Especially if he's saying you can go on the pill for PMT. Don't you need to see a doctor for that anyway? Maybe it's different there. Maybe discuss it with your councillor, if they agree, they could always have a word with your Dad for you. Take care hon.
Sara x
Um, yeah...you should talk to your doctor about how you're feeling. I'm a bit miffed by your Dad brushing it off, that's not cool...whether it's PMS or depression you should see the doc about it. He/She can be objective about your symptoms.
Good luck doll!
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