Thursday, February 3, 2005

Weekend Assignment #46

Weekend Assignment time! Going to be gone from tomorrow around 8 until Sunday. So... must get this and the photo scavenger hunt done either tonight or tomorrow afternoon. Here is this..........

Weekend Assignment #46: Make one new rule to apply to the Super Bowl. This new rule can apply to any aspect of the Super Bowl, from the game to the spectators, to the halftime show, to the commercials. If it's got something to do with the Super Bowl, you can make up a rule about it.

Extra Credit: Your pick for winner of the Super Bowl. Naturally, don't bother doing the extra credit if it's Sunday evening.

Okay, I don't know the rules of football AT ALL and don't feel like being serious with this one. Funny rules that are now part of the Super Bowl. Yes, rules as in more than one. Deal with it, sugar!

1. No more lame half-time shows. Heck, the halftime shows get (as Lewis Black says) exponentially worse year after year. We may as well abolish them. Definitly no more boobs. Sorry Janet. We don't need a repeat.

2. All members of the winning team must prepare a short song about how great the other team did. It must be sportsman-like and cannot be mocking. It has to be sincere or else the player the sang about (as they will all be assigned a specific player) will get there SuperBowl ring. And the honor that comes with it. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

3. Players of the team the specators are not supporting must be treated with as much respect as the players of the team they are rooting for. If ya can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. No boo-ing, hissing, or other disrespectful conduct.

4. No more guys with no shirts and body paint. Eww. Enough said.

5. No more SuperBowl proposals. Cheesy. As are New Year's Eve proposals.

6. Heated seats. I'm sure the spectators would appreciate this. The players too.

7. Good concession stand food. Not the stuff they serve at most places now.


Hmmm... this is sounding dangerously like an election speech... full of empty promises. *cough* Bush *cough* (Sorry, still kinda bitter over the election.)

Now for the extra credit: I don't know anything about stats or who's playing how but I want the Patriots. A) My brother is an Eagles fan. B) They won last year (right?). C) I'm a semi-fan. D) If it ain't my Redskins, it can be my Patriots. lol

That's it for tonight. Will go work on the pictures. Love to all!

Love always,


Anonymous said...

So the Superbowl isn't just a fantastic bowl then, that wears a cape and saves people's lives and stuff?!!  Superbowl is football?  But that's not our football, it's your confusing!!
Am kidding, I know what the Superbowl is...honestly!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

I love the one that you'd ban the guys without shirts wearing body paint....who really wants to see that?! ugh.
Gotta go against you on the winner tho ;)  Eagles baby!  If they don't win I know one grown man who will be sulking until next season starts ;)  

Anonymous said...

I think I agree with all of this! Except that Paul; McCartney's doing the halftime show this year. - Karen