Weekend Assigment #57: Share some of your favorite Journals, Blogs and Web sites not on AOL Journals. Come on, we know you go off the school grounds from time to time. Tell us where you go. 'Cause we want to go, too. Even just one pick is fine (no more than five, though. Pick the best to share). Also, just in case this was a temptation, my site off AOL should not be one of your selections.
Okay, okay, you caught me! I don't JUST blog and I don't blog only on AOL. Most of my friends have livejournals and then there's Murph. You can find their links on the side. They're all wonderful and I highly recommend any one of them. However, because they're already publicized to some degree, I'll singing their praises for another time. You'll notice I don't have an "Other Sites" module on my main screen. That's because I don't know what sites to put in there! But I think I can come up with a few for this. Now, to go search "My Favorites" for a few of my absolute favorites.
I'm back to continue. I've got a billion links in that folder and a billion folders to organize the links. It didn't help simplify this task much though. There were links I'd never heard of in there and links in the wrong folders (Anyone care to argue that "Chocolate Passion-Chocolate in the Kitchen" belongs in the folder titled "Christianity and TLW"?) Anyhow, I've choosen my five and now, drumroll please, In no particular order, I present you with......
BarlowGirl.Net This is a website for Christian Girls that have decided to become "barlow girls". Barlow girls are, as their tagline says, "Girls commited to purity of the heart, mind, and body". There's a modesty survey that shows what guys think is modest and what is not modest. It's meant to help Christian girls pick out clothing that will not "cause our brothers in Christ to stumble". I think there's a site for guys but I can't find the link.
My second pick is A Letter to the Girls I Know written by Devin. It is also a modesty thing written mostly for Christian girls. It tells about how there are "Godly men and worldly men" and asks which type you want. It goes on to say what the difference is and such. I found it very inspirational.
For all you country fans, here's a website for you. Cowboylyrics.com has helped me figure out what that word is in that song a billiion times. It's easy to navigate and understand. It has lyrics and tabs for guitar players, though not for all songs.
Y'all know by know how I do a billion surveys, right? Well, when I'm bored and just want a survey to do, I go to The Forward Garden. It has forwards as the name implies but it also has surveys and such. It's a great place to waste hours and annoy friends.
Lastly, The International Movie DataBase which is where I got the quote in this entry. I typically use it for the quotes but the other areas are just as good. They have quotes from movies and television shows.
While searching my favorites, I found a link to a RED feature that lead to this poem.
'Please Stop'Please stop telling me you love me forever,
We're only a couple of teenagers
who have a childhood crush.
Please stop saying forever,
Forever hurts my soul.
And forever makes me cry.
Please stop telling me you'll never make me cry
Because you already have.
Please stop saying you'll never hurt me,
Because I already know you will.
Please stop saying you love me forever,
Please stop saying forever,
Please stop saying you'll never make me cry,
Please stop saying you'll never hurt me,
Because love hurts,
Forever dies,
And never is a lie.
-- by Shortydawl106 That really touched me. Good job, Shortydawl106!
Extra credit: Find a link you think your mother might like. What is it?
My mother has the internet and is fully capable of choosing her own website preferences. However, I think she might like this site. Actually, I think you might like it too! Go ahead, you know you want to!
Love always,