Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I'm thankful for....

I got this idea from Dawn  (at Everything Under the Sun). It's one-hundred things I'm thankful for, in no particular order. Took me a while but now that it's done, I thought I'd share it with you! Can you think of 100 things you're thankful for? The black is the list as written and the pink are comments I added as I'm typing it up.

1. God
2. Lindz
3. My beliefs (every damn one)
4. Rach
5. I know Jack and Sayid'll life my mood with just one call of "SAWYER!"
6. Spring Break next week (well, now last week)
-Nine days of relative freedom
7. library fines are paid off and I can get books
8. Sayid
9. Jack
10. Kate (as in Kate Kate)

11. Chris
12. Nicknames (Sawyer, Jack, Sayid, Kate, Tinkerbell, doll, chicky, etc.)
13. Music
(like the Switchfoot-Beautiful Letdown CD I'm now listening to)
14. JLand (savior of my sanity!)
15. Lurkers (thank y'all!)
16. Samantha
(who'll be two tomorrow!)
17. Mom
18. Ray
19. Liz
20. Cell phones that allow contact during school
(like the texts I sent yesterday)

21. uniqueness
22. My mind will return eventually :) Temporary insanity
(Why did I write that one the same line? Oh well.)
23. Juvienile pranks
(what was I referring to there?)
24. The skills of writing, reading, and typing
25. Only one period until I am known by Sawyer and not Vickey
26. Sunlight
27. Smokey's life
28. Dutchess' time with us
29. Tiger, Chyna, Orange Kitty
(and all the other pets I've had along the way!)
30. The kittens (still unborn when hand-written but now born see pictures below

31. "hand-me-downs" like this sweater, shirt, and jeans
32. Jake
33. Ali
34. Good movies
35. Bubble baths
36. Spiffer pens (nail file + cuticle pusher + nail cleaner + pen)
37. Soda
38. "fantasy" worlds
(including those in books)
39. soft beds
40. roof over my head

41. shopping with friends
42. Tom Brady
43. hot tubs
44. book stores
45. laughter
46. clean, soft sheets
47. purple fuzz (!!!!)
48. chocolate
49. Brilliant Brunette shampoo and conditioner
50. Skin So Soft bath oil spray
(from Avon)

51. Dial soap (so the mosquitoes don't bite me as much)
52. The feel of freshly shaved legs
53. Dreams/Hopes/Fantasies
54. Reality (no matter how much it can suck)
55. Second chances
56. The way Samantha talks
57. Homemade ice cream
58. clothing that makes Dad POed
(aka Daisy Dukes, Playboy Bunny flip-flops, etc.)
59. late nights
60. the occasional early morning

61. inside jokes
62. decluttered places (like the bookshelf in the basement)
63. good timing
64. glamour
65. Pizza Hut/Aric hehe ^_^
(Aric is to funny as Tom Brady is to sexy!)
66. Being able to laugh at past mistakes
67. Murph
68. How Lindz's parents go along with our stories and cover for us and such
69. silence -true, pure, crystal
70. feeling confident in a bathing suit

71. cram sessions like lunch the day of a global spiral check
72. parties
73. goofing off with friends
74. realizing that just because he means nothing to me, he means the world to her and thus, he must mean something to me
(and so must 23 and 25)

75. staying up late with a good book
76. trashy romance novels
77. candlelight
78. rainfall
79. small bedside lamps
80. (good) stand-up comedy

81. nail polish
82. being the oldest
83. having options
84. debates
85. Colleen
86. matching "silk" PJ's
87. a good (sexy) bra
88. The killers (latest musical discovery... Thanks, Rach!)
89. knowing I can function for a day or two on, like, zero sleep
90. mindless activities like this

91. My hair is all up in a ponytail. Has been for five minutes. Nothing has fallen out.
92. The promise of tomorrow
93. Feeling cute/attractive/beautiful/sexy/gorgeous/wanted/loved
94. nostalgia
95. FLYlady
96. leftovers
97. unexpected gifts
98. wanting a kiss depseratly (even if you don't get it but mostly when you do)
99. Lindz pointing out a duplicate (I had written nail polish twice.... hmmmm)
100. knowing I'm done with this list

Love always,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow.  100 things seems like so many until you actually think about it.  Great list doll :)