Now that I am sufficently embarrassed about my last entry......... Today's been great but I don't have time to write. Before I go to bed, the Saturday Six.
1. If you played last week, did you actually go back to the very first edition of the "Saturday Six" to see what the first set of questions really were? Were you surprised at the answer? Yes. No.
2. When you signed on to AOL today, how many new E-mails were in your Inbox? How many were in your Spam Folder? Not sure. Somewhere in the 100 range. Zero spam.
3. If there was one childhood friend from your youth that you could meet today to find out what happened to them, who would it be and why? Ummm... Summer because she moved without telling me and I miss her sometimes.
4. How much weight would you like to gain or lose? Whose body would you most like your own to resemble? It's not the number on the scale I don't like. It's the way it's arranged. I'd like to have a stomach like Jessica Alba but that's way impossible.
5. What is the last CD or cassette you listened to in your car? Not my car but Mom's truck. An RPM, I think.
6. RAPID FIRE QUESTION #1: "The last time." When is the last time you:
a. ...Lied to someone you care about? Not long enough ago.
b. ...Were tempted to reveal a secret that no one else knows? Friday.
c. ...Payed a bill online? N/A
d. ...Saw a movie trailer that made you want to see the movie it advertised? Yesterday (Red Eye)
e. ...Took an aspirin or pain reliever? A few days ago
f. ...Hung up on someone? A couple weeks ago
g. ...Turned down an invitation to a party? Not for a LONG time
h. ...Filled your car's gas tank? N/A
i. ...Had an unexpected knock on your door? Ummm.... not since last year
j. ...Ate a meal that left you absolutely stuffed? A couple weeks?
So that wasn't very hard but, yeah. I'm off to go sleep. Going to Syracuse with Lindsay and her dad tomorrow to shop my arse off!
Sweet dreams, and enjoy your shopping trip!!
Sara x
WOO HOO! shopping trips :)
girl, you could totally have abs like Jessica Alba....i don't know if I even know who that is (chick from 7th heaven?)....but if you're built anything like me than you can gain muscle in the blink of an eye(I used to have a 6-pack)...with your metabolism. It'd be easy, very little effort :)
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