Sunday, May 1, 2005

Interview response

I interviewed Dawn and allowed her to interview me as well. Below are her questions and my answers.

1. You have a sister that is significantly younger then you but if you don't do you ever wish you had older siblings and if you do are you as fond of them are you are of your little sister? I have one older brother but I don't know him. He's my half-brother and he was adopted at the age of six months. I do wish sometimes that I had an older brother but being the oldest is nice sometimes. And I have Julia.

2. You have a chance to meet the person you will most likely marry when you two are young.  Do you meet them or wait till you're older? I'll wait. Though it would be wonderful to meet him and get to know him, I feel that I'll meet him when the time is right. I can wait till then.

3. What profession are you most interested in? I'm interested in many professions but at the moment, I want to become a chef and am interested in the food business. I know this is a hard business to break into but I'd like to pursue it a bit farther before I make up my mind about it.

4.  Is there any talent or special skill you wish you had? I'd love it if I could sing like I do on my good days every day or if I could dance. My dancing is horrible! I don't dance often and I don't dance well. That's a skill I'd like to have.

5. What would most people be surprised or shocked to find out about you?  I think most people that don't read this journal might be shocked to find out what goes on inside my head. Most people at school think I'm either normal or weird or whatnot and they'd never assume I've been tempted to hurt myself or that I'm concerned about my weight at times. When Rachel first read this, she was shocked. If you do read this journal, I think you'd be shocked to know that I'm quite immature at times.

6. Is there a part of the country, or any country, that a fellow blogger has described that you would love to visit? There are definitely places of the country and other countries I want to visit though I can't say that it was due to any blogger. I've always wanted to go to England and to Ireland and France and Germany and other European countries. I've always wanted to travel to "the south" and to experience life in other places of the U.S. but no body really talks about their part of the country in particular. Obviously they talk about their lives there but for me part of the intrigue of a place is the scenery and the feel of it.

7. What are your 4 biggest fears? I was just talking about something like this today at lunch. I have a lot of mini-fears like being hit by a car (again) or being shoved off into traffic but they're mostly circumstantial. I'm most afraid of never finding my true love. *I'll get back to these questions soon but for the moment, I can't concentrate seeing as my father is pissing me off again and the computer is going to kick me off in two minutes.* *Okay. I'm back and I'm doing this while listening to Ruby Shooz before Sami's birthday party!* I'd die if something ever happened to anyone I love (Mom, Sami, Ray, Lindz, Sayid, Jack, Kate, along with anyone else that I love!) So that's three (circumstantial, never finding my true love, and something bad happening to anyone I love) and my fourth greatest fear is flunking English this year and all the bad things that I've figured that will lead to (including not getting into college and not getting a good job).

8. Are people frequently surprised by the maturity you exhibit for a person your age? YES! Do you know how many times people have IMed me or e-mailed me or commented that they can't believe I'm fifteen!? Anyone that reads this blog is amazed and I'm not exaggerating here. Most everyone that reads this tells me at least once that they can't believe I'm only fifteen. Guess what people? I am.

9. You're given the chance to be invisible. What do you spend the day doing? *Samantha is now sitting on my lap being all adorable and just staring at the screen and my stepdaddy would like to tell you that the advice of the day is "never play leap frog with a unicorn. unless he's hornless. then he's a horse". My stepdad is a freak. :)* If I could be invisible for a bit, I'd spend it just hanging out in all likelihood. I'd go to some of my favorite places and hang. Just enjoy being without interruptions (as nobody knows where I am cuz they can't see me!). I'd go to the pond and to Harris Hill Park and back to Marion and to Niagra Falls and a billion places.

10. Most people have a quirk that comes out when they get nervous what's your's if you have one? Oh gosh. I don't know. When I'm nervous, I shake. Like my arms and legs will get all shaky and my knees'll feel like that can't support me but is that really a quirk? Umm..... *pause to sing along to Ruby Shooz* Well what am I nervous about? If it's about meeting someone, I rattle on and on or I just hush up and don't say a word. If it's about a presentation or a test, I get all pessimistic and I predict the worst. I say that I'm gonna flunk and that I'll forget all the answers/my lines and then I do fine. lol Typically, I rattle on or hush up or get really pessimistic and predict that I'll flunk/die/forget everything.

If anyone else would like to interview me or would like to be interviewed and has not yet, leave a comment. Oh, and if you want to interview me, just e-mail me the questions or leave them in a comment! Samantha disappeared into the living room and it's time for me to go be social (the party'll be starting in a few). Oh, and I'm going to be participating in Krissy's Photo Scavengar Hunt a bit late. I'm taking pictures today.   Love always,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great answers.  I'm sorry you're having a hard time with my dad.  I know it's hard.  I had a majorly hard time with both my parents when I was about 10.  Believe me,that's worse then those teenage years because you're never quite sure you know what's going on.    At least at the age you are now you're old enough to realize your dad loves you a whole bunch and he's trying to protect you.  No matter how old you get your dad's going to view you as his "little girl".  That's just a fact of life. -Dawn-