Sunday, May 15, 2005

Pimpin' myself (lol)

Welcome, y'all. I'm at Lindsay's Dad's for the day and I'll fill y'all in on my life a bit later. For now, it's 1:22 and I've been up since 6:45 and I'm still in my PJ's and I haven't eaten. I need food and a shower. But first.......... I have a new journal on AOL. Yes, another one. This journal is where my weekend assignments, saturday sixes, sunday brunches, etc. will go. Twenty Questions will stay right here though. It just seems right to have them stay here. The weekend assignment is being transferred so I can link it to Scalzi's comment thread. I didn't want it to be there alone so the others are going there too. Hope you enjoy it. Oh, and my "results" journal is now strictly Journal Jar.

Wastin' My Time


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your a total DORK! but i love you! and i was just kidding about before your apt. at bangs after school. that it was bugging me... i swear i was kidding!