Sunday, November 20, 2005

Celebration :)

Woo-freaking-hoo! And no that is not sarcastic. Gotta make this quick 'cuz I've got two essays to write due in the next two days. Now y'all've heard me say how behind I am in reading journals, right? I've got less than 100 left! LESS THAN 100! It's in the DOUBLE digits NOT the triple digits! ::happy dance:: I'm so happy about that. Plus I fixed my LJ yesterday all by myself *and* I get to see Murph tomorrow! :-) And ummm..... I'll tell you how it goes. (Not saying anything b/c idk if anything'll happen except hanging out... don't worry, I won't get drunk, high, pregnant, or STD-infected) I am very very happy. I've gotta go run and write those papers and hop a shower. And throw in a load of wash. *sigh* Oh well. Easy enough if I can master these damn papers. Ugh, and I really wanna tell y'all about these things I'm making for my friends at school but I'm going to send some to some of my JLand friends as well (fyi: even if you left JLand, if that's how I met you, that's how you'll probably be referenced). But they should be really cool and fun to make. I just don't know if I'm doing that for my few guy friends as well or not. (Some of them wouldn't really appreciate it but, some of them might. Yes I'm being vague. Ooo! I know an alternative. But idk...) Anyhow, my brother's pissing me off once again by being a flipping moron and those papers won't write themselves. I'll see ya around tomorrow. But *only* if my homework is done and I'm not busy hanging w/Mag, Lindz, and Murph.

Love ya,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great time doll :)
