Saturday, December 17, 2005


I'm about to start baking Christmas Cookies and I just wanted to pop on for a minute. I don't have much free time to be home and/or on the computer til the New Year and I wanted to let y'all know that. I'm going to church tomorrow morning then to my mom's. I'll try to pop on between then but, if not, I'm sorry. I'll be there til Thursday. Friday, I have school (one day this week. woohoo) and then Saturday is Christmas Eve. Sunday is Christmas (and I'm going to church that morning). Tuesday I leave for the Joshua Revolution (remember that thing I swore I'd go to this year come hell or high water? I'm going) and I won't get back until *counts on fingers* Friday when I'm *supposedly* going to Mom's. Then I'm supposed to come back the first or second then off to school the third. If not Mom's, I'll be at Gramma's for the new year unless I find a friend's house to crash at. :( I'll find some place, I'm sure. NOT ringing in the new year quietly again. It aggravates the hell out of me. For now, I'm off to bake cookies.

Oh, I use an apron when I bake (either a full body one or one that's just waist down) and one of the reasons I know I'm the "lady of the house" and that I'm grown up is my apron choice/use. I used to use this itty bitty one that's like 1ft by 1/2 a foot big (and fugly) but then I got a bigger (still fugly) one. Now, I use Mom's old one. It's the biggest apron (well waist down apron) and the prettiest and the one Mom ALWAYS used. I can tell I'm growing up because I feel natural in it, not like I'm playing at being grown up. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year.


Update: Oh lord guys! I just realized. I'm gonna get SO far behind on f-ing alerts. I've already got like 18 pages of alerts I'm behind on. That's 20 alerts per page. Damn. Plus five more days then a couple days to catch up then away for four more days! Dammit! I promise SOMEDAY I'll catch up. Someday before I fly away...

Update AGAIN: I turned off all alerts. I'll catch up later. I just can't handle the stress out over the amount in the folder. I'll catch up a different way. I will catch up. Happy Holidays to all!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a few busy weeks!  It'll be a great time I'm sure.

Merry Christmas to you and yours doll~


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and say Happy Holidays!