Reporting from lunch- summary of my world right now- peaceful chaos. The world is upside down but I'm holding on as tight as I know how. Lindz got suspended. Out of school. Two days. For dumping chili on AJ from head to toe. She'll be back on Monday.
I've changed. since fifth grade, since eighth, since I started writing this. I'm not the girl I once was, mentally, emotionally, or physically. And people notice. Not only is my hair cut (from my waist to my chin and back down to the bottom of my shoulder blades) and my body is becoming less like a third-grader's and more like a woman's. I'm confident. I'm beginning to rebel. I'm thinking differently about different things. I handle life differently. My emotions, my feelings, are differnet and are dealt with differently. Whether these changes changes are good or bad, I know not.
I have ten more minutes. I thought it was less. That changes things a bit. At least four people are dressed all in black, mourning the Presidental results. People are gossiping about them. Especially Liz. She has a black veil atop her head. I think it's cool
Oh, because my computer is down, I haven't been reading journals much. I'll get caught up as soon as possible. Until then, please know my thoughts are out there with y'all. I'll rejoice over your pleasures and weep over your pains when I get back.
Five minutes. Crap. I forgot to see Kummer and get Mix It Up Day stuff. Liz J has, too, and we're doing it together. Uh-oh! We're going to be in trouble. GSA meeting Monday after school. Time for global/english. Arrivederci.
I hate making masks out of paper. My studyhall teacher is an idiot. Keeps yelling at Ashely, Jackie, and I for talking. We're fourteen! We're supposed to talk. Get over it. I have so little homework. Solo and review vocab. I'm bringing home my binder, purse, and the book I'm reading right now. That's it! That's great.
I think the reason I write so much is because I'm so bored. Nothing to do here. Twenty five minutes. Rather than bor y'all with nonsense writing, I shall immense myself in a book.
Love always,
P.S. The pictures are of (in this order): me painting my nails, me with a cat toy on my head (so don't ask!), and Lindz & I on top of this thingy in her apartment. It's cool but, the picture doesn't give the whole effect. More in a minute.
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