So Mom and Ray kept up their verbal sparring for a while. We all laughed our butts off but I doubt Ray will get much action tonight. Ew! Mental image! Gross. Sami keeps digging her nails into my face. She's 19 months old. Ow. I've got a scab next to my nose. Thanks, sis. Love ya, honey! Oh, well. My baby (my unconceived, not to be thought of being conceived for a while baby) will get her back, I'm sure.
Self-destruction has gone to if-my-brother-doesn't-shut-up-this-instant-I'm-gonna-punch-him. He keeps just annoying me. Little things like asking stupid questions makes me so irritated. I've always been like that. Well, now I"m in a good (but tired & hungry-ish) mood. Nearly time for bed so I'm off to get some pudding. Arrivederci and enjoy your leftovers.
Love always,
Awww poor Ray, too bad....
Sami sounds cute. She's lucky to have a sis like you.
Nothing like realitive and their annoying fun little habits... makes one glad holidays don't come around more often sometimes.... well until the food rolls out... specially if it's chocolate.
Ah, little brothers....I've almost forgotten what a pain mine used to be. Course, now he's 23 and I don't know what I'd do without him.....EVENTUALLY, they DO grow up ;)
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