Tuesday, November 9, 2004

PMS saves the day!

[jokingly] Lindz is an idiot and I hate her. I hate her, hate her, hate her. She sucks. Yeah, right. Naw, she's my bff & I guess I love her.

Yep, I'm a freak. She kept me up until 12:30. So much fro 10:30.

Sleep deprivation and PMS lead to some nasty headaches. I've got one of 'em now. Ahh. I've got 3 hours and 25 minutes left of school. I might go hom because of my headache (so basically PMS saves the day b/c I have a major test in English that I'm gonna flunk). Science beckons... again....

Love always,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PMS sure does come in handy at times :o)
Sara   x