So I've only got a little bit of time to write but, guess what? I'm caught up! Mostly. I've got a ton of entries in one journal that I've got to catch up on but haven't because they're long. I'll work on those starting tomorrow. Amazing guy too. I feel really bad that I haven't read his writing in a while. :( I swear, sug, I'll be there SOON! Oh, and now that I'm all caught up, I'm going away this weekend. So Friday around eight I'm going to Mom's and I'll be back some time on Sunday. So I'll have to catch up AGAIN! *sigh* It's a never ending cycle. And y'all seem to write so much more when I'm gone too. Time to go do homework that's due tomorrow. :-[ Hope y'all are having fun. Oh, and I'm going to start backing up my entries somewhere. Prolly at Xanga or LiveJournal. But I WILL continue this journal for as long as I can (aka until my dad gets rid of AOL). That'll just be a back-up in case AOL decides to delete my journal on a whim. *pouts* Okay, time to FLY!
Love always,
It can be very overwelming sometimes.... Sometimes I wish I was retired , just so I could keep up with reading journals. They are very fasinating.
Hope you have a great weekend.
I have a hard time keeping up sometimes, especially if I don't read them for a day or 2. my mail box piles up and it's overwhelming. but i like it, that's why i keep coming back to it ;)
doll, I really love FLYlady....Good Call! I have more free time than ever before!
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