Thursday, April 21, 2005

Guess what?!

May I just say this? THANK GOD! She's all right! She's going to be okay! It's not a tumor. I was so scared and I just didn't want to think about what would happen if it was malignant and if chemo didn't work. But she's okay. Has to have a hysterectomy but she's okay! My prayers were answered and my worries relieved. Thank God. She's gonna be fine. :)

I am well aware that none of you have any idea what I'm talking about. So I'll fill you in. Well, vaguely. My mom's been having some problems and her doctor told her she had an iron defiecency (sp?) and a tumor. She had an ultrasound on Monday but they didn't find anything. She had another exam today and she was told that she doesn't have a tumor. Her abdominal muscles have attachted to her uterus somehow and if she falls down the stairs or something she could tear it and bleed internally and die. So she has to have a hysterectomy next month. So if you could, keep her in your prayers/vibe sendings.

Love and prayers,


(Darn it. My FTP is full. Now I'm screwed! Yippee! ::sarcasm::)


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your mom is going to be okay.  I will keep her in my prayers though.  Even what she is going to be going through with the hysterectomy will be tough... but thank God it isn't cancer.
As far as your FTP space, do you have another screen name?  Mine is full under this name so I made another screen name just to use the space.  Ijust link to that name's space ...

Anonymous said...

Oh Vickey, I'm so glad your Mum is going to be OK, you must have been so worried about her.  A hysterectomy isn't going to be easy, but at least it wasn't a tumor.  (((((hugs))))) to you, and to your Mum, am definately good vibe sending ;o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

so glad that your mom is going to be okay.  a hysterectomy is tough to deal with at a young age, but far better than cancer or chemo.  Small miracles mean so much :)  
Will defnitely keep you and your mother in my prayers.