Thursday, April 7, 2005


Stolen from Dawn

1) Have you ever taken, or have tried to hook up with a friends boyfriend or girlfriend? No

2) Have you ever tried to break them up so you can try to get them?. (if yes was applyed to the above answer) N/A

3) Who are your top 3 friends of the same sex? Lindz, Sayid, Jack, Kate, Jaci (can't choose three!)

4) What about of those of the opposite sex? Jake, Murph, and Dan?

5) What is the name of your brothers and sisters? Timmy, Joey, and Sami

6) Whats your favorite food? Ummm.... pizza? 

7) Weres the dumbest place you've worked? N/A

8) How many body piercings do you have? Two. One per ear.

9) Whats you favorite caffinated drink? Caramel frappicino with an extra shot of caramel or suicides

10) Whats your favorite cartoon character? Rainbow Brite

11) Whos your favorite person in the world? I don't have ONE.

12) Whos the one person who can always make you laugh when you need to be cheered up? Lindz or lunch

13) If you could meet someone famous who would it be? Ummm.... Sandra Bullock

14) Whats a new movie out that you want to see? Not sure. The Ring Two looks good

15) Birthdate? Time? 2/20 at 4:27pm

16) Address? Current? Upstate NY

17) Have you ever had sex before? Hello.... ubervirgin

18) Who is the last person/ current? see about

19) Whats your biggest pet peeves? The words gay and retarded being used to mean stupid

20) Which one of your friends birthdays is coming up the soonest? Lindsay's on MONDAY

21) When is you b/f, g/f, or person you likes birthday? Fifth Amendment.

22) What are you looking forward to this summer? Camp!

23) Do you own a calendar and if so whats it of? Yes. I hate it. It's awful. It's plain. No pictures. :(

24) On average how many ppl of the opposite sex call your house for u a day? A couple?

25) Same sex? Oops! I didn't mean to leave that answer but I did. A couple.

26) Do you hate doing this stuff online? No

27) How many ppl do u think will post this? Maybe one or two.  I'm not sure. <~stealing answer

28) What are you doing this coming weekend? Going to my aunt's house Friday and Saturday and trying to get together with Jack so I can see the episode of LOST that I missed last night :(


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I read this ! I found out stuff about you that I didn't know ! Who's Jack ??????????  lol

Anonymous said...

oh man, next week's LOST looks like it's gonna be a good one!
I've swiped this one but haven't gotten around to it's too much fun!