2. If you could have it be one season all year round which one would you pick? Can't do that. I need four distinct seasons.
3. Are there any food cravings you have when it gets warmer out? Fruits and veggies. All summer long, I don't eat much dinner (except off the CHARCOAL grill) and all I want is salads and fruits. Drives Dad up the wall.
4. If you could take a summer vacation anywhere on Earth but you just had to leave, and not tell anyone you were leaving, would you do it and where would you want to go? Yes and I'd go to a tropical island with my husband (obviously in the future, if now, I'd go prolly go alone or to Europe).
5. Is there one talent or skill you wish you had but just don’t? Dancing. I cannot dance. I just am not that graceful. I can trip over thin air. <~stealing this answer
6. What’s something you’re listening to that you enjoy but irritates you at the same time? The Wiggles. I love hearing Sami bark and sing and I love dancing with her but it irriates the h*** out of me.
7. If you had a chance to track down a lost love and they wanted you back, after meeting them again, would you leave another person you are involved with for them? It would depend.
8. What’s your favorite kind of cookie? Chocolate chip and snickerdoodles.
9. Who is one person if you could you would select them to be sucked through a hole in the Earth? Oh gosh. Lindsay ("Boone" not Lindz) and Taylor. ::shudder::
10. When you were growing up did you have to get a summer job or did you just loaf around all summer? Let's see. Fifteenth summer coming up. Plans include Darien Lake for a weekend, summer camp, sunbathing, taking FULL use of the complex pool, learning tennis (Excuse me? My father bought me this tennis racket for Easter and I haven't the slightest idea of how to play. Do you think you could teach me? *bats eyelashes*)
11. What?s one celebrity couple you?re just tired of hearing about? Demi and Ashton. And Bennifer was awful!
12. Is there anything about yourself that you wish you could get back? My heart? I don't think I'll ever be the same. So much has happened. I'm not naive anymore. I tell dirty jokes with my friends (tactful but still dirty). I read Harlequins without shuddering. I just wish sometimes that I was still innocent and naive. But Lord shoot me if I ever act it again. I want to believe in fairies with all my heart. In unicorns and dragons. In fairy tales and true love. Part of me will always believe in that but part of me thinks it's all gone forever.
13. What television shows do you feel best sums up your life? There isn't one.
14. If you had to pick to live with a set of roommates whom would you pick out of these three groups: I'm gonna show my naivety here and admit that Three's Company is the only show I'm really familiar with. I know of and have watched a few episodes of Golden Girls, have heard of Laverine and Shirley, but haven't the slightest idea who Felix or Oscar is!
A.) The Three?s Company Gang
B.) The ladies from The Golden Girls
C.) Laverine and Shirley
D.) Felix and Oscar
15. If you could visit anyone on Earth would would it be? At the moment, I'd choose Julia because I haven't seen her in forever.
16. Is there one celebrity you had a crush on when you were young that you look at and think,? Ewww! What was wrong with me?? Umm..... Prolly but I can't think of him at the moment.
17. What have you done in your life that makes you the most proud? Gosh. I haven't the slightest. Not killing my brother. Not killing myself. Helping my friends not cut. Hell, the toughest thing I've ever had to do is convince a friend who had a razor IN HER HAND not to cut herself. Calling 911 last night was tough but definitely necessary.
18. If you could clone yourself what would you have your clone do? We're assuming this cloning was done at birth so the clone would be the same age as me? The housework and some of my homework. I actually don't mind most of my math homework or voice or german. But the english packets suck and so does science and doing my global spiral.
19. If you were ever lost in the woods do you believe you?re a strong enough person to make it back? Do I have a cell phone?
20. What?s the craziest thing you?ve ever been asked on a date? Oh, that would have to be the time I was asked if I'd ever eat a raw egg for $50. Ha! Yeah right. This involves a date!
Time to go byebye and read more alerts. I'm working on it!
Love always,
Lol!! My answer to No. 16 would have to be Michael J Fox, though I still think he's a little cute!!
Sara x
Not killing your brother is good. I know with my brother I had a numerous ammount of times when I wanted to kill him but I didn't. I guess it just wasn't meant to be and don't worry,Vickey,as you get older,I promise,you and your brother will get closer!! -Dawn-
Great answers!! Thanks for dropping by!!!!
I do believe in fairies, I do, I do! course if Pey were here she'd say...well you know, the other...and a little sparkle would fade. Let your mind grow wise and your heart stay young ;)
Snickerdoodles were my dad's favorite!
'do I have a cell phone' LOL! Pey already wants one!
Have a good week doll~
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