Done a few weeks ago......
Fifteen Years Ago I.........
1. Was a typical two-month old
Ten Years Ago I..........
1. Had nearly finished my first year in Mrs. Foro’s K-1 class
2. Loved my mommy and daddy
3. Loved Pocahontas
4. Had already stolen fuzz from my parents
Five Years Ago I........
1. Was in Mrs. Colway’s fourth grade (she happened to be the sub for Mrs. Foro when she went on maternity leave when I was in first grade)
2. Was watching my parents fight quite often (but this had been happening progressively for a couple years)
3. Was best friends with Tori
4. Met Nate (which would lead me to met Ali, his younger sister)
Three Years Ago I........
1. Was twelve years old and in sixth grade
2. Found out I’d be in Honors English for seventh grade (an honor I am now struggling to keep)
3. Thought I’d never get out of Mr. Giotto’s class!
4. Met Nikki, Jordan, Jenny, and Keisha (then stopped talking to all but Jordan around June)
5. Met the girl I know call Jack
One Year Ago I.........
1. Was losing Lindz’s friendship to her then boyfriend and to Lyndz’s friendship
2. Slept at Liz’s house when Dad worked nights
3. “Dated” Mike (hahaha!)
4. Discovered Gretchen Wilson
5. Could not wait for Samantha to be one!
Six Months Ago I..........
1. Was plotting to be a Temptress for Halloween
2. Began feeling tempted (How did THAT milestone pass by me unnoticed?)
3. Was labeled Sawyer
4. Began to think about moving in with Mom seriously
5. Was still nursing a broken heart and a case of denial
Three Months Ago I........
1. Still faithfully wrote in my Progress J
2. Had straight A’s
3. Was great friends with Jack, Sayid, and Kate
4. Began the “tradition” of spitting out my drink when I laugh (and blushing at the same time)
Yesterday I............
1. Got up before my alarm
2. Thought Lindz would be really depressed (and no, you can’t ask me to take that out, Lindz) but she wasn’t
3. Took a nap on the couch
4. Had my back hurt by my chiro
5. Yelled at Dan for being a coward
Tomorrow I ............
1. Celebrate my sister’s birthday
2. Refuse to let Lindz be depressed
3. Have to swim in gym class
4. Have a MAJOR essay due in English
5. Hope to get a life!
Today I:
1. Was tortured
2. Wished someone would die
3. Was reassured that, yes, all guys suck
4. Feared anorexia
Love always,
1 comment:
....................15 years ago I was 38...............oh help
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