Tuesday, September 20, 2005

From one person to myself again

There's this girl I used to be about three weeks ago and I'm not sure where she went. I see glimpses of her now and then but overall, I don't know where she is. She's the girl you all have come to know and love. I don't need to explain her. It's me you don't know. Lately, I'm selfish and constantly second-guessing myself. I lie awake at night thinking of what I should have done, what I should have said. I feel shallow and ugly. I feel self-conscious instead of self-confident. I don't feel like myself. I am a multi-faceted person (I say person instead of woman or girl because I can be both at times. This is part of my multi-facetedness). I don't like this part of me. It's a valid part of me and I respect that but when this part stays for more than a day or two, I begin to think it will never end. Even worse, I begin to believe it. Homecoming is Satruday. I know I'll be fine at the game because I'll be in jaens but the dance will be harder in a short, tight dress. (Craop! Got caught. Gotta go. This sucks.)

That was nerve-wrecking. Baring my soul for my health class is not my idea of fun. But I did pretty well, I think. I explained how it relates to me. And I did it all off the top of my head. Oh, and one of the girls that used to pick on me horrendously not only is in my class but she sits directly behind me. I hope she understood the whole "it doesn't take a talent to be mean/but words can crash things that are unseen" lyric. My knees were literally shaking. I feel more like myself though. The good part of me. Let's just hope this feeling lasts. This is actually a really good assignment. I like a lot of these songs. I can hardly keep from singing out loud.

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