Monday, September 12, 2005


::squee:: to knowing who I am

::squee:: to getting the perfect answer in biology

::squee:: to getting proper rat poison for the first time all year

::squee:: to finishing my english essay during free

::squee:: to articulating myself wonderfully in that essay

::squee:: to making it to all of my classes on time today

::squee:: to actually being productive in english

::squee:: to finding an interesting quote

::squee:: to mid afternoon showers

::squee:: to not having to worry about if I'm preggers or not

::squee:: to having finished most of my homework during free so I don't have much to do when I finish this entry

::squee:: to Dawn for helping me so much tonight!

::squee:: to decades day

::squee:: to Mom's old clothes for giving me something to wear

::squee:: to homecoming week and spirit days

::squee:: to life in general!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


::squee:: to having hit ctrl+a followed by ctrl+c to copy this when it didn't save rather than losing it all!!!!!!!!

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