Appearance vs. reality... The battle goes on. Fourteen year old boy-parent's dream-does community service willingly-attends church. That is an appearance. Does pot & cigarettes and has oral. Reality. Church goer-Christain-funny-sweet-16. Horny-recieved a (to put it frankly) handjob-cheated on his girlfriend-insecure. So many people say they live for one thing (the Cross) but are with the other (the Crowd). They act one way around adults but get 'em alone and they're 100% different. Why can't we all act how we are inside? Nelson, Taylor, Raike, and Coe. All of 'em think they're one way but they're not. They're more worldly than godly. Now, I live in a glass house so I'm not throwing stones. But does Nelson really need to ask if some girl is f***able? I think not. Very ungodly, if I do say so myself. Appearance vs. reality. It appears to suck.
Love always,
Anyone can claim to be anything, good for you for realizing that sometimes appearances aren't always what they seem. Be you, don't let everyone else determine've got a great start ;)
Hay youuuuuu ... member me? Hee hee. You've got their number mylady. Actions speak louder than words and dang if some people don't "speak" outa both sides of their mouths by how they act with one crowd VS the other. Best to lead by example. Peer pressure is so enormous isn't it? Stand strong and firm in your beliefs.
Looks like you picked up a few more readers ... koolies!! The word isa spreading. Have a most excellent week. I'm off to Aniheim,CA for the week. But NO Disneyworld!!! No cash. Bummer :>(
Ah well we shall make our own fun and find laughter in the stars. Take care. Thinking of you and wishing you sunshine and moonbeams.
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