How many of you voted? I hope you did. Whether it was for my guy or not, you should excercise your right to vote, to have the freedom to choose. It's really an amazing thing. Last night was seriously great though (regardless of the killer headache I'm developing from sleep deprivation).
Slept at Lindz's so we stayed up to watch the election votes come in. Backin up a bit... After school, went to Beth, came home & spaced until about five. Packed and ate and went to Lindz's. She wasn't there. She was at Sean's. I go over there and hung until around 7:30. Came back & typed up some entries. Beena yelled at me for not watching the news so I went to and found a map that gave results and figures. We refreshed the page every few minutes. Freaked out every time votes came in. Finally went to bed around 1:30 am. When we woke up, we found that Ohio was the hinge state. Time to listen to Mr. Headache Increaser. Opps! I mean Mr. Messina. Later, y'all.
Holy crap! Is it true? Did Kerry just concede? Is Bush going to run our nation for another four years? I hope we get no closer to decision about gay marriage and abortion than we are now if Bush is in office. I don't believe the government should be allowed to impose their religion on us. Most arguments against gay marriage and abortion are religious. Seperation of church and state, people! We can't say the Pledge of Allegiance but we can ban gay marriage and abortion because it's against a religion? How much freaking sense does that make? I know I said I wouldn't bore you with politics but, I just found this out and need to get this ranting/raving/ thinking out of my head. Yea, I do believe strongly in this. It's devastating to me. It's my future they're deciding.
Currently: Kerry is a cowardice. He should have stayed in and waited for the offical votes. Time for beddy-bye now (well, after my science homework). Good night, y'all.
Love always,
P.S. The pic is of Lindz and I in our Halloween coustomes. I'm the one on the right with the red cape. Gorgeous, ain't we? hehe ^_^
How excellent to read about your interest and passion about the election. Yes they ARE deciding your future. You and your generation get to inherit this mess when we and our compatriots are done screwing things up. Keep involved and active in politics Vickey. Don't let the tendrils of cynicism and apathy wind their way round your political psyche. If we are to climb out of this mess we NEED the next generation to get involved and become engaged. Your energy and passion is just the medicine to energize and revitalize the political process. You rock mylady.
Awesome photo by the by. Fist peek at the girl behind the curtain. You two make a stunning dynamic duo. Toodles.
Totally gorgeous :o)
Am shocked by the whole Abortion and Gay Marriage thing!!
It's about time that same sex couples had the SAME rights as the rest of us. And a ban on Abortion, would be so dangerous. Back to the days of back street abortions I imagine. Hope things don't get that far.
Sara x
I voted, Kerry. My fiance voted, Kerry. My 5 year old would have voted if she could, Bush. Seperation of church and state was important to me, as was small business, economic balancing, healthcare, education and tuition costs, and of course the reason I usually side democratic, free will and the right to choose for yourself. I was a little upset at first when Kerry conceded but I'm sure it was an impossibility that he would have won or he wouldn't have stepped down. I think it was honorable that if he knew he wouldn't win to let the people know and not wait for a week or maybe 2 to find out. After 4 years ago with the vote 'scandals' and the lawsuits and attention I am relieved to not have to go through that again. I am completely disappointed though, I had really hoped for that change.
Hopefully President Bush will realize what he was lacking during this election and reach out to bridge the gaps that were widened during his campaign. I, as a young mother of democratic mind, was often insulted by the way the frontmen of the republican party just assumed that I and people like myself in my generation didn't get it-that we were a joke. See, politics can bring it out in anybody, here I am getting all riled up. Who knows what the next 4 years will bring but at least that's all it will be, only 4 more years...then no more -- look for the positive ;)
P.S.-absolutely gorgeous :)
Alright let's here it for a womyn who know how to speak her mind! As someone else who's future is going to be decided by these next 4 years i agree w/ you whole heartedly. It actually makes me want to get more into polotics and let my opions be heard. As always it is a pleasure to hear what you have to say, and if the government can't abide w/ it's own laws then i think that it's time for some change.
PS:Indeed it is gorgeous, you guys definatly do make the perfect pair. Oh and i hope that some of the things i've said in the last few days haven't made you think any less of me, i apologize for my absentmindedness.
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