Thursday, November 18, 2004

Irritability & sabadical


If I wasn't a virgin, I'd think I was pregnant. Irritability, backache, cravings. Could be PMS if I hadn't just finished my period. Sorry 'bout that, guys. I'm just having a lot of mood swings lately for no reason. The littlest thing (or nothing at all) will set me off. I got annoyed at Lindz & Jess for asking me for help. Typically, I'd help gladly. I'm going into another of my sabadical phases, I think. I went through one near the end of eighth grade. This one is longer (so far) and harsher. Not only do I want to get away for a weekend (last time, one weekend at Mom's and I was nearly out of it) but I want to take a month off of school. Only human contact through the phone and the computer. I don't want to be a bitch. I don't want to get ticked off so easily. I want to be like I was just a few short weeks ago, kind, happy, loving life. I know depression can be hereditary and both my parents have been diagnosed (though neither is currently on medicine). I'll do some reasearch tonight and see if that's a possibility. Felsic & mafic rock time....

Love always,


Anonymous said...

The more I read about your moods the more I suspect manic depression...I'm not trying to diagnose you though doll, just share what I know.  I have manic depression (they call it bi-polar now).  I go through periods of mania where I feel great, on top of the world, alive, able...then it's followed by a sick depression where I could run away from everything and sometimes contemplate ending it all...the depression is followed by a period of normal, being level not feeling up or down--then I long for the mania when I feel capable of everything.  I've been trying for years to 'fix' it myself, after all these years of not knowing which one of these phases is me I've finally realized that I need help, serious help.  Don't wait as long as I did.
Take care of yourself doll.

Anonymous said...

Doing research is a good idea. Mood swings is not all that uncommon in teens, male and female. If there is a history of depression, yeah it CAN have a genetic disposition. But it aint written in stone. Getting enough movement in your life… exercise? I don’t mean a working out necessarily, but you could. Just movement. Dancing in your room with the doors shut, going for a walk (get big dog and walk it daily). When you get crabby and bitchy and don’t wanna be that way, tell your buds, explain how you are feeling and let them know it aint nuthin personal. They’ll appreciate the insight. Thinking bout cha and sending you prayers and good vibes mylady Victoria. Take care of the awesome person you is. Toodles.