Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Life update from Mom's

Let's see... Yesterday, when I got home, I packed for my weekend at Mom's. Sami's sick. No acid reflux anymore. She's got her first cold. At 18 months old. Not bad, eh? Today, my dear sister woke me up at abour 7:30 which is far earlier tha I had wanted to wake up. I apparently would have had to have gotten up soon anyhow to go work at Bradley Farms. So, I get up and get ready and we leave. Got there, set up, and dried off the slide/Balloon Typhoon. When Uncle Michael got thter, he set up the TwinSpin. Incorrectly. Jenga style. Tracy was there with Samantha (her daughter). I hug out with her and manned the slide for a hwile. Ate lunch. It took them 48 minutes to get 4 chicken fingers, a coke, an order of fries, ketchup, and blue cheese, Yeah, long time. They had problems with the frier or something. Sam's sleeping over. Monster's Inc. Is on. Sami's going to sleep now. We have to leave early, like nine AM.

Well, baby girl is up. Ray is home. Vickey is tired. Joey is playing the simple part of "Heart and Soul" and "Mary Had A Little Lamb" over and over. Mom's pickin' up crayons for the millionth time. Sam is just chillin' while Sami eats and icee and hands the pieces to me. It's blue rasberry. Ewww! Good. It's "all gone". Hmmmm... what else do I have to say? I really don't know. FOr once in my life, I don't know what to write.

Oh, thanks to my uncle, Chris. He gave my mom a tip that she passed on to me about how to get used to heels.

Uh-oh. Mom and Ray are at it again. Reminds me of my parents. Not the good memories, either. The ones of them screamin' and yellin' and throwin' stuff are the ones I'm thinkin' of. I odn't even know how much shit my partents broke. Dishes, a hutch, a picture frame (and the glass), a chair, my heart. The last on is the hardest to fix and the hardest to get over.
I could write pages on that subject (and will some day, I'm sure) but, alas, bedtime har arrived. Good night to you all.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

I love catching up with your journal, seeing how you're doing.
I know someone that self harms.  She's 24, and can't articulate her feelings the way that you can.  Reading this helps me to understand her a little better.  I hope you don't mind me asking, what was the tip that helped you to resist?
I liked your entry on timing too, how right you are.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Wowser, sound slike a busy, hectic place. How are you holding out? I love reading this little synopsis of what goes on in someone else's life... puts mine in persective.

Can I tell ya something I found out today that both excited me and scared the crap outs me? You'll be the first I've told .... ready .... Ummm this is sooooo ubelieveable! ... so surreal .... I was emailed that my Journal has been "selected as one of the 'Editor's Weekly Picks.' It will be featured at AOL Keyword: Journals beginning Thursday, and remain there for the next six days."

I hope this wasn't somekinda joke. Wierd thing is. I'm going to be gone next Tuesday through Sunday .... no real access to the intenet. Should be interesting hu?

Thanks for letting me share. Take care mylady. Toodles.