Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Concert and update

Feeling: justified

Life is lookin up at the moment. The situation I wrote about has been solved-ish. Youth group tonight. Lindz can't come tonight so Timmy'll be happy (sorry, hun. I don't know why he doesn't like you but, he doesn't.) I've never been without her but I think I can handle it ::mockingly:: Those people are family to me. Well, not family. That would make them offlimits. That would include Tom. I can't make Tom offlimits (though there is no chance in the near future, I'm pretty sure). Friday, I will be going to Starbucks with said person and some others.

Y'all have been asking about the concert. Okay, okay, I'll cave. The women's select group sang first. The songs were pretty but their tone was off and they kept fidgeting. Next was philharmonic. Gorgeous. I loved them. Then, we were up. Got onto the risers and training took over. No fidgeting, proper posture, and bright eyes. Our tone was good. "Sing Gloria", "By the Rising Of The Moon", and "Sing and Rejoice" were our three songs. By the last song, I was very confident and very hyped up. Couldn't use my mouth to smile (it would ruin my tone) so I used my eyes. Put some of that energy into my sound as well. Lastly was the band. Very good though I don't remember what they played. It was long, though. When I discovered said person wasn't there, I convinced myself that she (you were right, Sara) was there but I had missed her (despite the fact that I was supposed to give her a ride home). Got home to call her. I was convinced that she had found another ride home. You can deduce from my previous entry what happened. She had fallen asleep. It still hurts but time heals all wounds and this one (which was basically that stab in the back being picked away a bit since it hadn't completely healed) is healing. Just hope she doesn't back out of coffee. If she does without a reasonable excuse, she's screwed. The wound will be opened and the friendship severly damaged.

I'm sure I'm not always the perfect friend either. But like parents that can't remember forcing their child(ren) to eat the last six peas or blaming a problem on them (no matter how directly or obscurly they say it), I can't recall any specific instances. If said person would like to share some of those experiences, please do.

On another topic, are the veins in each wrist supposed to be the same pattern or different? Mine are different.

Well, I have stuff to do. Homework to get done, room to be FLYed through, youth group to attend and 'Lost' to watch. Yes, I have given in to Kim and Sara. I'm watching Lost tonight. It's on ABC from 8-10 tonight. Lord, save me.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Yeah, my wrists are different too, similar, but different.  
I love LOST, it sucks that it's on the same time as Top Model (but that reruns on friday) AND That 70's Show....I feel so conflicted on Wednesday nights ;)  But I think I might have to miss LOST this week since it's the finale of Top Model and I know they're gonna do the favorite :)  ACK, and hour and a half to decide.....I need TiVO!

Anonymous said...

Am glad the concert went so well :o)
The veins in my wrists are different too, isn't that strange!
Never noticed that before, try not to think about it hon.
Sara   x