Feeling: lovely
Have I ever confessed my love to you? Not my ex-love of Jon or my self-love but my love of................................................................... rain? Yes, I confess, I love rain! Sometimes. When I'm inside on my bed, no radio on, just a book in my lap, and I hear the rain pound on the roof and lull me to sleep, I love it. When I'm dressed in my jeans and a t-shirt that I don't care about getting wet, I love dancing in it. I walk barefoot in the rain and I jump in the puddles until I'm soaked from the knees down. I lay down in the puddles on the tennis courts, sometimes. I speed my bike through puddles until my back is soaked from dirty puddles and my face is wet. Is it tears or rain? Sometimes I don't know since if I'm out walking or riding in the rain nobody knows if I'm crying or not since I never walk or ride with anyone in the rain. I have these thoughts of walking in the rain with my husband or fiancee or boyfriend (whatever he is) and we just walk together, holding hands, talking or not, it doesn't matter. We're in love and that's all that matters.
When I got home, I ran and jumped in the puddles. Yea, I'm a two year old. "How mature." Yea, right. Maturity is running & jumpin in puddles. GUESS WHAT WORLD? I'M ONLY FOURTEEN! I CAN BE IMMATURE! DEAL WITH IT! Just because my mother doesn't live with me and I'm a teenager does NOT mean that I have to act like an adult! I CAN BE A TWO YEAR OLD! I CAN BE HOWEVER OLD I WANT!!!!!!!! Bedtime ::snicker::
Love always,
hey babi girl!
well i would have to say that me and you have had many good timez in the rain! like at the movies after the time i droug(sp) you to the movies with me you and taylor(josh) yeah and at my apartment and on the roof what about me?!?!?! you cant forget all those great timez... your lieing to JLand by saying you have Never danced or walked or anything with Anyone in the rain before.... DUDE!
cya butt munch!
You're a Pisces, of course it's all about the water!
I think you and Pey would get along Grrreat...she's a Cancer, also a water sign ;) She refuses to use an umbrella, she has to jump in every puddle she sees, even if it means going to school with wet jeans. Yesterday she was pretending to be Dory (from finding Nemo) while she was jumping in the puddles on the way home from the bus-stop....she has the whale-speak down to a T ;)
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