Thanks to all who checked out my new journal. So for Christmas my gramma got me this Cocoa-Latte thing that makes hot mixed drinks. Emphasis on the hot. I've only made one so far (the one in front of me) but I now know that if I ever want to torture someone, all I gotta do is make one of these puppies & force it down their throat. But it's delicious. Mocha latte. So, today is my brother's birthday. His eleventh. Yay for him. I was woken up at 8:08 so I could "sing" at 8:10. Keep in mind, great as this tradition is, I'm a teenager. I tend to sleep until noon. So at 8:10, I started humming along. Okay, half-humming, half-grunting. Dad gave me a look so I started singing. At 8am with no warm-up. When the song was done, I went back to bed. Didn't wake up again until 10 or so when I opened up the book I started last night. Read for an hour then came downstairs so Joey could open his gifts. He got a videogame for his PS2, some magnetic connects thingy, a robot, and a giftcard. The robot attacked me. Or would have had I not moved. Joey and Jeff (my cousin) are out somewhere sledding. One other Birthday tradition we have is dinner. We get to choose the restaurant or the meal. Joey choose Old Country Buffet, an all you can eat buffet. Again. So basically, it's a fast all day until then. At least that's how Dad does it. I tend to eat regardless. I've decided that, confusing as my family is to me, you all must be out of your heads trying to understand most of it. So eventually, as in like soon, I'm going to make a "family tree". Like "Joe-son of Donna and Joe, father of Victoria (myself) and Joe, brother of Donna". See how confusing just that is? Joe is my father, Donna is my paternal grandmother, Joe is my paternal grandfather, Victoria is me, Joe is my brother, and Donna is my aunt. So, eventually, I'll get it all written out & clarified. Along with my friends. But for them it's easier to explain. Like "Lindz-met in the fifth grade, hated her guts, she hated mine, bestest friend in the world" or "Liz-met in sixth grade, her & Lindz hated each other, bad taste in guys, insecure, bestest friend in the world, moved to RI in August '04". See, that's easier. So, look forward to that. Now, off to finish my mocha latte and make a card or something for my brother. Have a happy day before bowling day.
Love always,
Happy Birthday to your brother!
I like that tradition of singing at the time people were born, though J-man was born in the early hours of the morning, so I may not put it into practice!! Mocha latte - Mmmm, just let it cool a bit before you send me one ;o)
Sara x
Good luck on the family tree, I haven't the patience to one for myself but will enjoy perusing yours. No Old Country Buffet's here, darn, but sounds like a tasty place. The humanitarian, romantic, dreamer in me (must be the Pieces in me hu?) somehow feels guilty at the notion of so much food being wasted at the end of the day. Some places do donate the food to homeless shelters but many do not due to strict health regulations or just the hassle of it. Am thinking of the millions of displaced people in southern Asia right now. This plays on my mind now because my niece is going to school in Thailand, along the coast, and we haven't heard from her since b4 Christmas.
Have a mocha latte for me, they is my favorite. Happy bowling day. Toodles.
oh my gosh, how ex's (Buttduck) parents were Joe and Donna and his name was Joseph but he went by his middle name because he wasn't a Jr., his middle name was different from his dad's. Little things ;)
Enjoy your mocha latte! I'm living on no coffee this morning, it's not going so well ;)
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