Monday, March 21, 2005

From 3/9/05


Okay, tonight, I’m typing all of these up. [Didn’t happen.] My English paper is done and is decent. I probably won’t get an A but I should get a B. I just want to get a grade that’ll let me stay in honors. That’s a B average or above. A- + C+ =B So far, so decent. I’ve got a billion school related things to do though. My solo is supposed to be preformed tomorrow but won’t be until Friday at the earliest. Instead, voice tomorrow is a study hall for me. The all-county people are practicing and Stephanie is doing her self-assessment. Everyone else (myself included) has study hall. My German vocabulary test is Friday, too. Along with my math and science tests. If I do perform my solo on Friday, that’s four tests in a row. And my current events is due tomorrow. My debate’s eighth period today (when my paper is due) and is not done. I intend on making it up from my paper. Shan’t be good but, it’ll be decent. [It wasn’t.] I hope. Despite so many tests, quizzes, and assessments, I’m feeling fine. I can do this. Oh, and my spiral needs to be filled in for global because she’s collecting it soon. [Still needs to be.] Easy though. Sounds like a lot but, I’m going to do everything I must to prepare and shower and watch LOST. The whole episode. For the first time ever.  Ugh. I have a double period of science right now. One period done, one to go. Gong to call Jack. Eh, well. Jack didn’t answer her cell. Yes, Jack is a her and no, is not transgender that I know of. Ugh. Double science sucks. Thank goodness it’s only once a week. And now, I’ve got hiccups. And no sugar with which to cure them. How do you cure your hiccups? A teaspoon of sugar does it for me. Why do hiccups happen anyhow? Oh, and I’m wearing my Tink PJ’s today (and my Aero hoodie) in school. Hehe ^_^ At the middle school, you’re not allowed to. Here it’s far more loose. Only a few minutes left until lunch. I’m starved. I wonder what rat poison they’ll serve up today.


Love always,
P.S. I won't be on until tomorrow. I'm fine though. Go visit my newest Journal if you'd like. My friend set it up. I did not do anything but the entry. *LOVE*


Anonymous said...

/><o:p></o:p>Sheesh your day sounds like mine!! How do you manage it all. Must be all that organizational help from the "fly lady." </o:p> ANOTHER journal? Wowser, you must be like going for the world record hu? Will haveta check it out. Maybe I'm missing stuff as I only get lerts from disa onea (trying some creative spellin.) OK gotta prep for class. Toodles.

Anonymous said...

oh my, i think i lived high school out in my PJ's :)~  I even wore slippers to school, slippers and drawstrings...oh yeah, and for some reason 'back in the day' everyone wore sweatshirts inside out so the fuzzy part was on the outside.  I guess now we've progressed to fleece ;)
checkin out the new j :)

Anonymous said...

School in your PJ's?  We have strict uniforms to wear over here for school, I'm so sure kids would prefer wearing PJ's!!
Sara   x