1. Have you ever called 911 for an emergency? I called 911 when Karlie was sexually harassing Lindz. Does that count as an emergency? Oh, and I supposedly called when my dad was harassing my mom but I don't remember that.
2. Do you spend more or save more? I save $0.20 a day.
3. How many live plants do you have in your home now? Do you give them enough attention? Zero and n/a.
4. What was the last thing you did to exercise? How often do you exercise? Oh, dear. I think I did some jumping jacks last night but only a few. Not often enough.
5. Where do you compare with regard to your parents: do you feel like an adult, or still like the "kid?" If you feel like an adult, when did you first feel that way? I don't feel like answering this question. *hides*
6. Who is the last person you received a personal card or letter from that wasn't sent to mark a special occasion? Ummm.... Liz e-mailed me a couple days ago and Marisa was probably the last person to send me a letter.
And, FYI, no, English is NOT my favorite subject because I hate analyzing books. I love to read and write but I hate analyzing it and I hate deadlines. But keep your ears peeled between 7:30 and 8:15 EST tomorrow as you may just hear the sounds of my solo. I'm supposed to preform tomorrow. But it may end up being Tuesday.
Love always,
Allright the entire town better just HUSH up tomorrow night... I have a long distance solo to listen to. I know you'll be awesome mylady! Hey if you can continue saving .20 a day that could really add up... maybe eventually you can increase it to... .40? It all adds up. I've been trying to increase my workout lately to help increase the good endorphins my brain creates during exercise and handle the stress of this whole job thingy. Working out does feel good!
As far as your answer to #5... don’t blame you a bit there Vickey. I know many growed up adults who'd still take "The Fifth" to #5. I am just SHOCKED at your attitude toward English (yeah right). I can relate.
girl, that 20...darn it, there's no cents key on a computer...that $.20 is gonna add up, if you save .20 every week day that's more than $50 a year, not to shabby to think that if you double it that makes $100, you get the idea. It's all about putting aside a little that you won't notice gone :)
I don't do houseplants, I'll kill em ;) good luck with your solo!
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