Sunday, March 6, 2005

Sunday Brunch

I'm back from Mom's and I'm doin' the Sunday Brunch. "Real" entries later!

"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." -Harry Vaughan

1) What is your favorite kitchen appliance? One that works.
2) What kind of cookware do you have? Huh? What's cookware? More specifically than "utensils used in cooking". Like spatulas and whisks and crap?
3) What color are your countertops and cabinets? Ugly beige. (I don't like beige. Very bland. Ew.)
4) Name one kitchen appliance or gadget that you wish you had. A chef.
5) Describe your dream kitchen. Lots of counter space, all modern appliances, lots of windows for natural light (I hate artifical lighting.), color! (NO BEIGE!), windows facing west w/o trees to block the sunset), & a bunch other crap that I don't know. Oh, an island in the middle. Kinda like Liz's actually. Only not. Ya know? Oh well.

Time to go. Homework. Major major homework. I'm in de-ep shite!

Love always,

P.S. Photo scavengar hunt soon. I know, it's late. Krissy's gonna have to flunk me. But it should be a good entry. Lotsa pictures and lotsa words that tell you crap (the word wouldn't spell itself right so I gave up. It's that word that comes from explain. Plus -ations. Deal with it!).


Anonymous said...

Lol, Vickey!
Yes, a chef would be a handy kitchen appliance or gadget to have around wouldn't it ;o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

A chef?!  why didn't I think of that ;)
cute answers doll!

Anonymous said...

Soooooo hows the homely work coming? One paper at a time right? Lovely.

I agree with B...chef!... funny. Since I absolutely LOVE to cook... I'll come over and be your chef! Name your dish. Ok got work of my own to do now.
