Sunday, March 13, 2005

Two old, short ones

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She doesn’t know it but by the time I type this up, we’ll already have dealt with it. I’m peeved at Lindz. Today is Wednesday and even thought I don’t like Tom that way anymore, I wanted to go to youth group. Dad’s working days so I have to watch Joey. To get to youth group I need a) Joey to either come or go to a friend’s house and b) a ride, typically from Lindz. Well, last night, I was on the phone with Lindz and I said I’d let her know around four if I was coming or not. “Okay. Well, I got to go. Talk to you tomorrow.” Fast forward to math class today. “So, if my brother doesn’t have too much homework, guess what you get to do?” “Huh?” “Pick me up for youth group.” “Umm… I’m going to Ali’s.” She made those plans after getting off the phone with me. I wanted to go. I think it could help me get my head on straight. Just one hour of a youth group lesson may be the key. But I’m going to be without. So either a weekend at Mom’s must do or I’ll have to wait another week. [Note: I did go to youth group that night.]




Okay, okay. I know. I should’ve gone. Should be sitting in English, not tardy. Sheli, Rachel, and I are in tardy, skipping. 10 minutes left of “class”. I feel guilty but I’d rather be here than there. Four minutes left.<o:p></o:p>





Okay, y'all. I'm back and I'm slightly better emotionally. I'll write more in a few minutes!


Love always,

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