Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Sexy pictures ;o)

Hello, Darlings! It's picture time! First, let us start with Decades Day. I did the 1980's. With Dawn's wonderful advice and my mother's clothing, this is what I wound up with...

Next, just me going nuts...

Homecoming night. Firstly, Maggie looking amazing and cute (like always)...

And lastly, me before the homecoming dance (do we all see why Josh was graviating towards me? lol not that Lindz didn't look spectacular [the reason I don't have a pic of her in here is because I didn't get any fantabulous ones] and so did the other girls there but, do I not look fabulous? I sure felt it.)...

Hope those showed up. They're not showing up on my computer but the tag in the last entry apparently showed up on your computers but not my own.


Anonymous said...

LOVE the pics! You look absolutely beautiful. : D

I am still here, still reading always. SO glad you are having a great time.


Anonymous said...

You do look fabulous!  I love how you did your eyes for homecoming, very sassy :)
