Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Change 'o' plans & broken gift

Change of plans for tonight. Dad did a bit of research & found the menu for tonight at OCB. Nothing good on the menu so we get to go to one of my favorite restaurants (Joey did pick it out). It's the Roadhouse Grill. Yummy. Ribeye steak, here I come. I went there for my 14th birthday & they burned my steak. On my birthday! Oh, well. Oh, and Joey says, "Uggghhhh." every time I tell him someone new said Happy Birthday. Dad then yells at him so he says, "Thanks". Anyhow, I swear my FLYlady timer is broken. I hate taking care of my laundry. It sucks & it takes forever. I set my timer for 15 minutes & gathered all my stuff from downstairs (mostly clothes from the table and a few other things from the computer desk). I took it upstairs & took care of the other things first. Took care of the stuff that goes in my dresser and got out the hangers. Well I was in my closet (literally), I saw a pile in my basket & decided to do that as well. Threw it on my bed. Got all the hangers & the clothes on my bed & started it. Remember this is a 15 minute time limit. I wanted to get it down so I was kinda rushing & then realized that there was no point because even if I didn't finish it was okay. I could do it later. So I finished and came downstairs. Looked at the timer. I had 2 minutes left! In that two minutes, I decided that the reason I was shaking was my blood sugar so I ate a handful of walnuts. All this in 15 minutes! Speaking of timers, it just went off which is a clue to me to get my butt offline & pack my bag before we leave for the roadhouse. If I don't get on later tonight (yea, right), have a happy new year.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

So you got a timer too hu? I sort of umm... well collect timers... as I use them so much. Received two timers this Christmas... one shaped like a chicken (NO it doesn't cluck when it goes off DANG!) and the other looks like a Chef (too bad it doesn't say something cool in French when it goes off).

Never been to the Roadhouse Grill either. BUT if I do I shall truly keep an eye on my steak. Imagine burning your steak on your birthday! How rude! Hey by the way... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOEY!! Yeah as a matter of fact a DOUBLE DECKER Happy Birthday Joey. (be sure to pass that along to him at the dinner table or somewhere he can groan in front of your dad.)* WICKED LAUGH*

Anonymous said...

What's ribeye steak?  Hope you enjoyed it, am sure it's yummy, whatever it is!!
Happy Birthday Joey, Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthdaaay ;o)
Sara   x